Sexuality Tips For You.

September 14, 2008

How to Have Mind Blowing Exceptionally Pleasurable Sex! Warning - Skipping This Dooms Your Sex Life

By Misty Ruttan

When it comes to the bedroom life; many people actually aren't sure about what to be done; and what it takes to make it to the fullest of pleasure. The thing is; you want to be above average... everyone does. The matter is willing to go the distance, and correct the things that may be inhibiting you; here is how to improve your sex life with her:

Compliments: Firstly start off by complimenting her by what she does already that's perfect and so forth. When you are having sex tell her here and there what is good; and communicate; so she gets good feedback... When you make her feel good, discussing the not so good things it won't be a hard ball game afterwards... Also have her compliment you; ask her what she likes- this sets up the question for what she doesn't like. Letting her go first lets her feel like she is heard and so forth; and tell what could use some change or new alternatives after she has said... its another way to compliment her; by letting her have the floor; and open the conversation herself without her knowing...

Constructive criticism: Next when you get to the stage to say what can be improved- don't say you cant do this; you suck at that- I need you to do this and that, but you just lay there- you're out of shape, too fat-....

All these phrases are negative; and an argument will start after; because you're actually insulting her, not being constructive. The best way to approach this is to suggest ways that she can do it, that make her and you feel better; and aren't hard on either of you...Sex and insults don't go together- it's a turn off; so its better on all ends to avoid this- otherwise she may be turned off.

Ways to be constructive are like this when discussing corrective things about your sex life in and out of bed: If it's not feeling good, too much pressure or too hard touch; you may say "a little gentler please".... Instead of "your pressing too hard!".

When you say "you" or similar, its immediately directed at the person as if something was wrong with them; even though its an action she is doing- she will take it badly- so its better to say what she can do; rather than attack her as a person... when she is doing well, however, its ok to use "you"

Trial: when you are actually in the "sac", remember not to be negative; and compliment; and use constructive criticism... if you aren't feeling entirely good or she isn't; ask for feedback, ask her if she likes it; and have her tell you when she is liking it the most; so you know where she is vulnerable more to pleasure during sex....Communication is what makes the world run, even in sexuality.

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