Sexuality Tips For You.

September 14, 2008

How to Get Sex Always No Matter If You Are Dating Or Married! Become a Sexual Master!

By Misty Ruttan

You may be wondering what are a woman's boundaries with sex... and how can that be determined- and does that mean no sex? So how do you get her to do it? In 2008 many people explore new ideas and methods; and many others avoid sex altogether out of fear of it! Most women actually do not like sex, so how do you get her to love it and never lose interest in it?

Respect is the most obvious rule- however it has to be two sided.... It must be mutual at all costs... this means that if she does have boundaries you are not pushing against her by force- and never forcing her to do something she does not wish. It also means treating her body properly... the lines are always drawn by partners; but there are also laws for this in every country of the world when it comes to sexual abuse.

Sex is supposed to be pleasure; so it should not cause pain on any level whether that's physical (obviously there are other kinds of pains- that are bearable; as with giving birth there are natural pains)... and also emotional and spiritual. Emotional pain is insulting her through their emotions; this can be emotional blackmail; saying things like "if you loved me you would do this, other girls can!" and so forth, attacking her emotionally. Spiritual pain, relates to any of their beliefs religious and so forth in which you impose against with use of sex.... As I said sex is meant to be pleasurable and establish a connection; if pain is involved its not proper sex...

Whether you are in a marriage or relationship, the drive should be on both of you- not just on what you can get physically from the person. If you find yourself addicted to sex in a manner where you are making sex into love; and looking at your partner as a sex tool; then this is out of the end up replacing your partner with a few seconds of pleasure, and a real connection will never be there.... Marriage is about intimacy in which there is mental connection, and emotional connection and so forth; then comes the sexual links- if you just link sex you are depriving both your partner and you.... And this is therefore damaging behavior.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret