Sexuality Tips For You.

July 14, 2008

How to Last Longer in Bed - Without Pills Or Potions

By Jeff Hartman

Let's face it, the worst thing for any relationship is an issue with premature ejaculation. You and your partner can have the best relationship but if you suck in the sack then it will never be a truly perfect relationship.

Perhaps it is not a relationship you are after and you just want to cure you early ejaculation problems. In this article will we will discuss exactly what you need to be aware of in order to cure your premature ejaculation.

There is no worse advice than "just take these pills" or "rub this ointment into your penis". None of these "remedies" work. These kind of remedies prey on insecurities in order to make a fast buck. The answer to your problems is not in some quick-fix wonder drug, but in the way you have allowed yourself to view sex.

When you were young the primary purpose of masturbation was to orgasm. For most teenagers there is absolutely no other reason. As a result you have effectively trained your body to react in specific ways to stimulation. The stories you hear about some men orgasming simply by being touched are not myths.

The solution to your premature ejaculation issue is to change. Change the way you view sex. In your teenage years you had to orgasm in a rush. You didn't want your parents, friends or even teachers to catch you. Now that life is not so rushed, you can slow down.

Don't worry, you don't need to involve others in your "re-training". This is something that you can do on your own. Start getting used to gentle stimulation (and eventually strong stimulation) while holding back the urgency to come.

Download the step by step how to last longer guide at

Problems in Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With E

By Levi Reiss

Whether heterosexual, homosexual, or somewhere in the middle we all want to improve our sex life. Who wants to be alone? We can't offer you an article, magic pill, perfume, potion, or pick-up line that will automatically send you and your intended partner to the bedroom. However, I really do believe that you can perk up your sex life whoever you are.

This article focuses on the problems and pitfalls that prevent you from improving your sex life. Another series focuses on what you should be doing. Both our "negative" and "positive" suggestions will help you get what you want. Here we look at embarrassed, evasive, and exaggerate.

E is for embarrassed. Don't be embarrassed. Don't be embarrassed about your body. Don't be embarrassed that certain special parts are too small, too big, too soft, too hard (that's a good one), or too misshapen (that's a bad one.) Don't be embarrassed about your partner. Or partners. Or partner's partners. It can get hairy. Don't be embarrassed about your hair, or anyone's hair. If you are bald, don't be embarrassed about that. Now that I think of it, don't be embarrassed about you. Let's change the subject a bit. What should you do if your partner is embarrassed about you? The answer is simple, be embarrassed. And change partners.

E is for evasive. What does evasive mean? Simple, beating around the bush. Isn't that what you really want to do, beat around the bush? (By the way, I'm not talking about beating around the Bush. That's another subject, which we will continue to avoid in these articles.) Don't be evasive, be straight-forward. On occasion this means saying in effect No Comment or I'm not going to tell you. Such an answer is much clearer than trying to do an end run. It may even convince your partner not to ask you again, even if he or she remains curious.

E is for exaggerate. The biggest and the best. You are not the biggest and the best. It is not the biggest and the best. Don't you hate people who always exaggerate? I do. I really can't stand them. They make my blood boil. Literally. But seriously, if you tend to exaggerate then you are probably dissatisfied with the truth. Take a look at the way things really are. Do what you can to make them better. But just saying that things are better than they truly are doesn't make it so. On the contrary, if you believe your exaggerations then there is no reason to change things. You are already there. Only one problem, you are here, and not there. Constant exaggeration will not make it happen.

Are you tired of all this negativity? Take a look at our companion series that accentuates the positive.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at

Over 40 Sexual Problems

By Marlene C. Griffin

What are sexual problems?

Sexual problems prevent a person or couple from enjoying sexual activity. Sexual problems may develop gradually over time or may start suddenly. They include problems like not being interested in sex, not being excited about sex, being unable to have sex, or not being able to have an orgasm.

How do they occur?

The causes of sexual problems can be physical, emotional, or both.

Physical causes include:

  • alcohol or drugs such as nicotine, narcotics, stimulants, blood pressure medicines, and some antidepressants
  • chronic pain
  • an enlarged prostate gland
  • problems with blood supply
  • nerve damage, for example from a spinal cord injury or from surgery
  • diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or lung disease thyroid, pituitary, or adrenal gland problems
  • hormone problems such as low testosterone or low estrogen.
Emotional causes of sexual problems include:

  • lack of trust or poor communication between partners
  • depression
  • past sexual abuse or memories of painful intercourse
  • believing sexual intercourse is a duty or only for the purpose of having children
  • religious beliefs that sex should not be enjoyable
  • fear that sex is dangerous if you have health problems
  • fear of being rejected or of being unable to perform well
  • feeling awkward or embarrassed
  • anger
  • not finding your partner attractive
  • having a poor body image or lack of self-esteem
  • fear of pregnancy.
When women feel that they are misunderstood, unappreciated, or unattractive, they will often have less sexual desire. Sexuality is both pleasure and communication.

Many men blame their lack of sexual desire on stress or worries. Rather than talking about these issues, they may avoid sex.

What are the symptoms?

  • lack of interest or desire in sex
  • being unable to feel aroused
  • pain with intercourse (much more common in women)
  • trouble having an erection or not being able to keep an erection long enough to finish having sex
  • premature ejaculation
  • being unable to relax vaginal muscles enough to allow intercourse
  • not enough vaginal lubrication before and during intercourse
  • being unable to have an orgasm.
How are they treated?

Treatment depends on the cause of the sexual problem. If you are concerned that you have a sexual problem, see your healthcare provider. Physical causes may be treated with medicine or, in some cases, with surgery. Physical therapy and mechanical aides may help people with some illnesses, conditions, or disabilities.

Talking openly and supporting each other is a very important part of treating emotional causes of sexual problems. Education about sex and sexual behaviors or responses may also be helpful. Books, videos, and movies offer the chance to watch different sexual behavior. You and your partner may want to discuss and try something new if you feel it might improve your relationship.

Some couples may benefit from sexual therapy. Sex therapy is based on the beliefs that sex is healthy and that relationships should be meaningful. Sex therapists believe sexual skills are learned, and that learning more about sex may help correct some sexual problems. The therapy is short, usually 10 to 20 sessions. Between sessions you may be given homework assignments. These assignments may include exercises involving communication or touching. The goal is to help couples improve their intimate relationship.

Psychotherapy may help people deal with anxieties, fears, inhibitions, or poor body image.

What can I do to help myself?

Talking with your partner in a clear and positive way may be the most important part of a healthy sexual relationship. Open and effective communication can go a long way insolving sexual problems.

Find a time when you both are free to listen and talk with one another. Don't try to have a conversation while everyone is getting ready to leave the house in the morning or when things are hectic. If you already have a time when you often talk about personal things, that might be a good time to start the conversation.

Start by saying something like: "Lately I've been thinking about ...," or "Sometimes I've been worried about ..." and then say as clearly as you can what is on your mind. It's okay to not always have the right words. It can help to use "I" language. For example, say "I feel...I need...I want...."

The final step to good communication is listening. Sometimes your partner says things you don't agree with or don't want to hear. The best communication is when each partner says clearly what they think and feel and also tries to understand what the other person is thinking and feeling.

Nearly every couple has sexual problems at some time in their lives. Most sexual problems can be treated. The first step is to accept that there is a problem, and then get the needed help.

Marlene Griffin R.N.

Website URL--

I've been a registered nurse for 30 years and nearing retirement. However, I would like to continue helping my "patients" by way of my website. My focus is primarily on women over age 40 issues, but I receive emails from women younger and that's fine.

Please send your comments, suggestions, questions and remarks to me and I will try my very best to respond within a few days. I like to read your email very carefully and try to put myself in your position to understand your concerns, before responding.

I am genuinely a "people person" with a big heart; very empathetic and sympathetic, intuitive and caring.

Medical issues are difficult to handle online sometimes. I cannot be certain I've made things more clear for the reader or more muddy. This is the reason I need your feedback, negative and positive. I do hope you find my website helpful. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.

Can You Use Mind Control to Seduce a Woman? The Secret of Magnetic Men Revealed

By Danny Fredricks

In this article we are going to look at the power of mind control to seduce women and how so MANY men are able to become magnetically and magnificently attractive...EVEN while outwardly appearing unappealing by so many more conventional standards. So if you are looking for an EASY way to become more attractive to women that ordinarily would seem OUTSIDE of your ability to get, continue reading as as we explore the wild and wooly world of MIND control techniques for men who WANT to be MORE successful with women everywhere! Read on..:-)

Filed Under: The Art and Science of Adventure

The very simple truth of ALL mental persuasion techniques that are worth exploring is the POWER of turning a likely "NO"...into a rabid and raving "YES!" in rapid fire turn around time...:-) This is FAR easier than it seems once you know how to PATTERN interrupt when talking to a beautiful woman. Don't let any of the EXOTIC and intellectual language of Conversational Hypnosis and mind control fool you, it's simply about creating powerful and compelling stories in the subconscious mind of the subject, and taking them for an exciting ride on the sexy surfboard of adventure...ALL within the confines of confident conversation!

Filed Under: Tips and Techniques

The key to becoming more conversationally magnetic is through astute observation. Studying conversational cues is powerful.....looking for foundational statements, recurrent patterns and leading questions is a key component of ALL covert cognitive psychology and is NO different here. Reading between the lines is OFTEN where the fruit lies, and simply learning to dissect meanings that her inner self is "leaking" is a fantastic way of delving and diving into her inner world of thoughts, needs and desires. Milton Erikson, the founder of what would later be called Conversational Hypnosis believed in "pattern interrupts" to gain confidence...but to also create "ethical" confusion in the subject, leading to greater trust and bonding in conversations both large AND small alike. Very powerful stuff!

Filed Under: The Simple Facts

Women LOVE a confident man. You don't need me to convince you of that, right? EVERYONE knows that the men who score with the hottest women are NOT the best looking guys, but simply the ones that are IRRESISTIBLE. Rest assured, you CAN use conversational hypnosis to ethically become a powerful conversationalist, and phenomenal LISTENER and a passionate advocate of the elaborate adventure that goes on BOTH in the subconscious minds of all of us, as WELL in the hearts and heads of BEAUTIFUL women everywhere. This much I promise!

And remember, to become POWERFULLY magnetic should be the aspiration of EVERY man (or woman) who simply wants to SUCK all of the JOY and juice out of life and eat from the fruits of unlimited power, PASSION and potential. I believe we are EACH given the ability to focus our MINDS, and our desires on that which we DESPERATELY wish to achieve, and that THIS is the fundamental truth and promise that hypnosis holds for all who dare to indulge in it's secrets.

Unlocking your own hidden potentials, and freeing yourself from FEARS, phobias and unresolved issues is JUST the beginning. Once you learn the true key to how OTHER people's brains really tick, you will be able to effortlessly and ETHICALLY enter and occupy their mind space with CONFIDENCE and care, illuminating your own power, charisma and INFINITE appeal to all who gravitate to your space.

There is MAGIC in this world if you know where to look....for the mind control expert the GATES are OPEN!

Should a Christian Husband Demand Sex?

By Chess McDoogle

Christian intimacy is a wonderful aspect to Christianity, and a very, very important element to a Christian relationship. Having said that, if intimacy within a Christian marriage is severely lacking or even non-existent, then should a Christian husband demand sex? Here are the answers:

1. What Christian sex is and isn't:

Sex within a Christian marriage differentiates itself by having a set of general rules which Christians should abide by. One of those rules is that intimacy be of a shared nature. Therefore, if the wife is not wanting or willing to partake in sexual intimacy, then even despite how important it should be towards the relationship, the Christian husband should not demand sex from his wife.

2. What the Christian husband can and should demand:

Now while answering the question should a Christian husband demand sex by stating that, no he should not, he should rather demand something else, that will in turn lead to more intimacy. He should demand that his wife explore her problems of intimacy and explore why she is resisting the amazing gift God has provided for all Christians to partake in, sex! He should demand, that together, they research the beauty of intimacy and why it is so important to celebrate this great intimate practice, and how it can and should bring Christian couples closer together, creating a long, strong, and spiritually sound bond that most couples never experience to the fullest.

3. How to increase sex within a Christian marriage:

The subject needs to be met head on. An excellent way to bring the matter forward is by getting a Christian sex guide or manual which will perhaps shed new light on how and why Christian sex is so important, and should be practiced regularly.

Here is an excellent Christian sex guide which will provide all the answers, skills, and solutions to increasing sex within a Christian marriage-

Don't allow your sex life slip away, instead learn ways to improve and increase Christian sex practice -

Extending Orgasms

By Martin Amsit

We've all been there - coming sooner than you or your partner wanted to. You're all hot and ready to go, when before you know it you're done, usually with a weak orgasm to boot. Premature Ejaculation, or PE, is the most common form of sexual dysfunction - in fact, 25-40% of men are affected by PE and most men will experience the problem at least temporarily in their lives. But while it's a dysfunction, it's important to note that it isn't an illness or disease. It's just about learning to control your orgasms.

It doesn't help that there is no definitive answer for what constitutes as premature ejaculation. So pick your own version of what's 'too soon' - is it ejaculating before or just at the moment of intercourse? A couple minutes in? Or anytime before your partner has orgasmed?

Sure you're embarrassed, but there's no need to be embarrassed anymore because you can control your ejaculation. With a few techniques and a little practice, you'll be more satisfied with your sex life than ever before. We explore a few below; your doctor or a registered sex therapist can give you more techniques if the problem persists.

Some guys rely on the distraction method. Thinking about what you did that day, or baseball - that's sure to make your erection last longer, right? It's also sure to make you to enjoy sex less, and results in a weak orgasm. We're here to teach you how to enjoy yourself completely while still lasting longer than the few minutes - maybe seconds- that you're lasting right now.

If you and your partner use condoms, go with a thicker rather than the thinner varieties. This will decrease sensitivity, while still keeping yourself in the moment. Go back to the thinner type once you have mastered the other exercises.

The start and stop technique is probably the first real sort of method to attempt. It will be your default as you're learning the others, and you may often come back to it. Learn the signs of pre-ejaculation - that is, the point where you are about to come, but can stop yourself by removing stimulation. Once you have significantly calmed, start stimulation again. This will likely take several weeks of solo training before you have control. Practice during masturbation before working with your partner.

Controlling your breathing is another simple exercise that you can master with a little practice. Breathing faster and heavier increases your nearness to orgasm, and slowing your breath so that it is slow and deep will give you more control.

An all-natural male supplement can deliver longer, harder erections, and they also delay ejaculation. With so many imitations on the market though make sure you get an herbal supplement you can trust. We recommend Extenze. Extenze works by increasing the blood flow to your penis, and allowing your penis to take in more blood and keep it there, for longer periods of time. It delays orgasm, resulting in a stronger climax. The best part is it's completely safe, with no harmful side effects.

To get more information about herbal male enhancement supplements please visit A wide range of natural male enhancement products from leading companies that provide long-term sexual benefits.

Sex in Car? Sex on Beach? Some Tips For Variety!

By Chess McDoogle

Variety is the key in every sex life which aims for sex to be wild, creative, fun, exciting, outrageous and to go far beyond the standard, sometimes boring, sex practices that most partake in. So how can you become one of the wild and creative sexual explorers who go beyond the norm? Here are some excellent ways to get started!

1. Sex in Car.

This is such a great, and easy way to have exciting intimacy with someone. It works on so many levels. First it brings back a high school feel of making out with someone in a car, when back then that was the only option. Second, the confined space is especially intimate and forces you to get creative and experimental. Third, is the aspect of semi-public sex, with the windows steaming up, the car moving and so forth. This adds an incredibly exciting and risk taking element to the whole ordeal of sex in car!

2. Sex on Beach.

This is more of an exotic, erotic, and dirty way to go as you will often times be on a beautiful beach setting, the waves crashing nearby, and surrounded by the soft sand which can be used in creative ways! The key to sex on beach is to try to find a secluded beach area where you can really have an intimate and erotic experience. Public beaches you'll have to be much more sneaky and the tension can be too much.

2. Amazing Sex in the Bedroom.

Now don't just cancel out the bedroom for amazing sex to be had! Matter of fact, this can be the best and most erotic of all places, if you engage in new tricks, tips and techniques to make sex outrageous and wild! Technically, much more can be accomplished, and you can test out your variety techniques, which you can later apply to sex in car, or sex on beach!

Want some lessons in sex variety? Here's an amazing resource with hundreds of tips -

Learn how to have the best sex possible by learning variety through these methods -

3 Earth Shattering Sex Positions to Give Her a Blasting Orgasm - Make Her Scream With Pure Pleasure

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Sex is mainly about connecting with your partner on an emotional level at the same time helping her achieve an orgasm. And one of the major factors which plays a big role when it comes to the question of an orgasm is the position you use. There are some stunning positions using which you will be able to make her blast into an orgasm almost instantly. This is the major reason why you must be aware of this. Read on to discover what these positions are and achieve mind blowing results.......

The Man-On-Top Position/Missionary Position- This has been known to be one of the best positions out there and it's extremely easy to get a woman to achieve an orgasm using this position mainly. The reason being that this position is comfortable and at the same time allows a great deal of body contact and stronger stimulation due to which she will be able to orgasm extremely fast.

The standing position- This position might be a bit hard to use but is extremely effective when it comes to getting a girl to achieve an orgasm. This position provides stimulation to the extreme since the female's vagina is pressing hard against your penis. And at the same time helps her achieve a strong blasting orgasm.

Rear entry- The good thing about having sex in this position is that it maintains strong thrusting in the girl's vagina and at the same time it's highly suitable during pregnancy as there is no pressure put on the woman's stomach.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

How to Give a Girl Killer Orgasms One After the Other - Here is Something You Can Not Afford to Miss

By Pushpa Pal Singh

It's a goal of every man to give his partner the best sex humanly possible and help her achieve several orgasms one after the other. One fear most men seem to have in bed is the fear that they might not be able to make their partner orgasm having this fear is absolutely justified as if you can't make her orgasm there is absolutely no reason she would be interested in having sex with you. This is the major reason why you must know this at all costs. Read on to discover some of the most stunning tips on how to give her an orgasm one after the other.........

Tell her what about to come- This is what you call emotional or mind stimulation. Under this step you will have to discuss with her what you will do to her in detail and make her imagine it in her mind before it actually happens to her. You see this step gets her completely turned on and she feels extremely aroused.

Build anticipation- This is where you will get a bit physical but at the same time not go fully physical. This is the part where you build the anticipation and keep her waiting. You see what this does is that it keeps triples her level of arousal and she will be in a better position to achieve an orgasm.

Practice to last longer- Now this is the big part when it comes to making a woman achieve several orgasms. You must have the ability to last long enough to make her orgasm. The best possible way to go for this is to masturbate a few times before having sex since that would give you greater control and you will be able to make her orgasm.

An absolute must know for you- This secret is an absolute must know for you no matter what. This is the grand daddy of all which would give you the ultimate power to become a magnet towards which every woman would be attracted. This is only known to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who are being introduced to this shocking secret click here- Tell me the Secret

How Tantric Meditation Can Heighten Orgasms

By Julie Avena

Meditation practices can help you have better orgasms, according to Ashland based Tantric Educator and Intimacy Coach Julie Avena. Engaging in breathing exercises, visualizations and meditation can assist lovers in experiencing more pleasure and connection behind the bedroom door. A private one-on-one "Sacred Love and Intimacy Training" combines yoga, breathing exercises, health coaching and spiritual counseling to help students create their own solo Tantric Meditation practice.

"Many people associate 'Tantra' with exotic sexual rites, but really it is a spiritual path," says Avena, who has been coaching couples and individuals on sacred sexuality in the Rogue Valley. "The word 'Tantra' literally means 'the great weaving' in the ancient language of Sanscrit. In my teachings, Tantra is a weaving our sexual energy with conscious breath work, energy awareness and spiritual presence. The practices help open our hearts to more love and pleasure."

Although many traditional spiritual practices suggest one cut out sensual awareness in order to create a clear unadulterated mind, Avena's teachings suggest otherwise. "In Tantra we enthusiastically engage in the senses. Sexual energy is probably the most potent force of creation if it is connected to spiritual love. When you consciously breathe the energy of the orgasm into your brain, you can have a transcendental experience."

Avena first participated in Tantric Meditation when she was 20 years old. "I was at a point in my life when I was seeking deep healing for my sexual wounds of the past. Suddenly I found myself in a month long intensive studying Tantra. When I experienced a full body orgasm simply by breathing and meditating by myself, I knew I had to share this work with others."

Over the next decade Avena trained to be an herbalist and nutritionist, developing a clinical practice focused on reproductive health care. "A healthy body is essential for a Tantric lifestyle. One cannot move sexual energy through the body and have a spiritual experience without being free of blocks and resistances physically, mentally or emotionally." In the Sacred Love and Intimacy Training she integrates practices for Body, Mind and Spirit.

The program is intended for men, women and couples to create tangible stepping stones for sexual healing, spiritual transformation and integration of the modern western Tantric Arts. The training is educational in nature, where student and teacher can eventually engage in interactive tantric meditation exercises and deeply transformative healing sessions. Students will most often leave each meeting with exercises to practice in the privacy of their own home.

"I have people from all walks of life enter the program. Many are single and are simply curious, some want to heal their sexuality, others are in a relationship and desire more intimacy and connection with their beloved." No previous experience with meditation is necessary. "These practices come naturally to just about anyone. If you can breathe, then you can learn how to be Tantric."

ฉ 2008 by

Julie Avena is a Tantric Educator, Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist, Shamanic Energy Healer and Spiritual Intuitive with a passion for Sacred Sexuality. She maintains a private practice in Ashland, Oregon, working with people all over the world offering coaching sessions and tantra training over the phone and internet. Visit her website @ for FREE podcasts, articles, an "Ask Miss Bliss" tantric advice column, and special offers through her email newsletter.

Better Sexual Satisfaction Herbs For Men and Women to Increase Desire and Satisfaction

By Kelly Price

While there are differences between male and female sexuality there are also similarities and here we will outline some herbs both can use to increase desire and sexual satisfaction achieved...

Both men and women need strong blood flow to the genitals in lovemaking the flow of blood needs to increased and furthermore you need to have the blood enter them and this is where nitric oxide is vital. Quite simply this chemical allows the blood vessels to relax to take an increased flow of blood. In men this results in an erection but it's also important in women!

While testosterone is seen as a key male hormone it's also needed by women - if women don't get enough sex drive plummets.

Last but not least, we are all affected by stress, tiredness and fatigue and to be in the mood, have a high sex drive and be totally satisfied you need to be relaxed and full of energy.

So what herbs can men and women take to achieve the above?

Let's start with

Horny Goat Weed

This potent herb will charge the body with energy and reduce stress at the same time and in addition work naturally to increase testosterone and nitric oxide levels in the body. This herb has a great name but it actually does work.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba taken by both men and women for centuries as a sexual tonic herb and its reputation is build on the way it improves blood flow and oxygen in the body, pumping blood to the extremities and to the brain which uses 20% of all oxygen in the body, its anti-oxidant action helps maintain healthy blood vessels and reduce arteriosclerotic lesions.


Helps to promote overall wellbeing, vitality, performance and sexual arousal.

Ginseng contains ginsenosides which are thought to activate ginseng's activities in the body due to it's stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which secretes adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH can bind directly to the cells in the brain, which results in a decrease in stress and lifts mood.

Chemicals in Ginseng are thought to stimulate the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus and stimulate cell growth and natural healing of the sex organs. It also promotes better blood circulation within the body as a whole and the genitals.

A Great Base

The best herbal sex pills for men and women are likely to contain the above 3 herbs and then build on this base with other herbs. The above combination gets the blood pumping and flowing through into the sex organs via nitric oxide realize and they also increase testosterone and life mood and increase energy.

The end result of the above is better sexual performance, heightened arousal and better sexual satisfaction and its all achieve naturally and being natural herbs they don't just enhance your sexual wellness but your overall well being to.


For the best herbal sex pills and for more on male Male Libido Increase For more on Female Libido Increase visit our website.

1 Simple Technique For Mastering Conversational Hypnosis to Become a Master of Seduction

By Danny Fredricks

In this article we are going to look at the power of pattern interrupt as a way of mastering the power of conversational hypnosis. For those of you who are unfamiliar, conversational hypnosis simply refers to the process of becoming hypnotically persuasive through dialog with another person, most often as a result of learning VERY powerful techniques for capturing and re-routing the inner discourse of the person with whom you are speaking. Simply stated, there are a veritable avalanche of techniques you can use to be more conversationally charismatic, charming and irresistible....but for this discussion, let's talk about pattern interruption as promised! Read on.

Filed Under: The Smooth Move of Redirection

The mind moves in mysterious ways to most. But NOT to those of us familiar with the smooth moves of redirection, and the pattern interrupt. Essentially, the basic teaching is this: All of us are CONSTANTLY searching for affinity. For logical laws that tie all of our thoughts (and subsequent actions) together. But underneath it all, it's really the SUBCONSCIOUS mind that is FAR more powerful, and really running the ship from down below.

The power of pattern interrupt uses divergent thoughts, statements and actions to throw off, and confuse the subconscious mind of the subject to gain traction, confidence and appeal. Simply stating something outlandish, for example, in the midst of of a rejection at a bar, is a VERY effective interruption of a normal pattern. Ericksonian hypnosis techniques were FAMOUS for their original and innovative ways of shaking up peoples habits by simply introducing foreign conversational concepts when they LEAST expected it.

And of course...if we are are being HONEST, most of us are all complete and utter creatures of habit and pattern. Women (and men alike) do what they did YESTERDAY. They will do the same thing again today. To become hypnotically seductive, you simply need to INTERRUPT this pattern of behavior on the subconscious level...leaving their conscious awareness suddenly STALLED, and instantly open, receptive and WILLING to receive conversational cues from YOU! Of course you need to do this ethically, as there is ONLY so much seduction one man can take.

And remember, to become POWERFULLY magnetic should be the aspiration of EVERY man (or woman) who simply wants to SUCK all of the JOY and juice out of life and eat from the fruits of unlimited power, PASSION and potential. I believe we are EACH given the ability to focus our MINDS, and our desires on that which we DESPERATELY wish to achieve, and that THIS is the fundamental truth and promise that hypnosis holds for all who dare to indulge in it's secrets.

Unlocking your own hidden potentials, and freeing yourself from FEARS, phobias and unresolved issues is JUST the beginning. Once you learn the true key to how OTHER people's brains really tick, you will be able to effortlessly and ETHICALLY enter and occupy their mind space with CONFIDENCE and care, illuminating your own power, charisma and INFINITE appeal to all who gravitate to your space.

There is MAGIC in this world if you know where to look....for the mind control expert the GATES are OPEN!

Erotic Hypnosis Techniques You Can Try Tonight - Using Pattern Interruption For Steamy Seduction

By Danny Fredricks

In this article we are going to discuss erotic hypnosis techniques you can try with YOUR partner tonight. Now, if you are anything like MOST couples, you are probably NOT having the kind of earth shattering, mind melting intimate experiences you both truly desire. And NOT to turn this into a gender issue, but the simple facts don't lie: Most women are simply NOT enjoying sex NEARLY as much as we men BELIEVE they are, with some recent surveys claiming that up to 90% of women occasionally fake orgasm, and even MORE fabricate excuses not to be romantic at all. In my experience, and ESPECIALLY for men who choose to embrace erotic conversational hypnosis, the floodgates of passion and erotic energy can be SO powerful as to almost be OVERWHELMING for both of you. So read on as I quickly touch on a few key points. (no pun intended..:-)

Filed Under: The Magic of the Mind

I FIRMLY believe, (and most women will second) that the most EROGENOUS of female organs is actually the mind. Erotic hypnosis uses conversational and subliminal cues to enter into this sacred mind-space both BEFORE and during intimacy to FIRE up the flames of erotic need and desire.

Simply stated, using pattern interrupts during intimacy works like this: We all have normal or otherwise mundane ways of communicating our needs and wants during intimacy. When you INTERRUPT the pattern of normalcy, using either physical gestures, or whispered subliminal commands, you can arouse the deep seated sea of USUALLY restrained subliminal sexual energy in your partner. As a benign example, Milton Erikson, (the famed founder of the cognitive psychological techniques that would become NLP and conversational hypnosis) would use subtle hand gestures during the shaking hands custom to interrupt and shake UP the subconscious mind in powerful ways, leaving the recipient of these strange subtleties confused, curious...and WONDERFULLY open and receptive to more exotic (or EROTIC for our purposes..:-) interaction.

When you KNOW your partners potential movements, habits and "same old, same old" maneuvers during intimate moments, subtly shifting your movements in new and subtle ways can be a POWERFULLY erotic way to stimulate the body AND the mind in new and exciting ways you simply CAN'T imagine...UNTIL you try them yourself!

And remember, to become POWERFULLY magnetic should be the aspiration of EVERY man (or woman) who simply wants to SUCK all of the JOY and juice out of life and eat from the fruits of unlimited power, PASSION and potential. I believe we are EACH given the ability to focus our MINDS, and our desires on that which we DESPERATELY wish to achieve, and that THIS is the fundamental truth and promise that hypnosis holds for all who dare to indulge in it's secrets.

Unlocking your own hidden potentials, and freeing yourself from FEARS, phobias and unresolved issues is JUST the beginning. Once you learn the true key to how OTHER people's brains really tick, you will be able to effortlessly and ETHICALLY enter and occupy their mind space with CONFIDENCE and care, illuminating your own power, charisma and INFINITE appeal to all who gravitate to your space.

There is MAGIC in this world if you know where to look....for the mind control expert the GATES are OPEN!

The One Secret to Giving Your Woman Paralyzing Orgasms That Will Have Her Brainwashed

By Mary Perfela

When you think about giving a woman oral sex you usually think about simply licking. However, there is one tactic that most men have no idea about that women don't want you to know for fear of you completely driving them to sexual submission. This one simple technique has a lot to do with the power of vibration. As we know, women love their vibrators because they can do something that most human males don't think they can do, and that is vibrating. Well, a man can vibrate without any technical assistance. What? Yeah, he can do some pretty wild vibrating with a little trick that separates sexual gods from mere men.

To begin the vibration you need to bring your lips together while wetting them just a bit and blowing air through them enough to vibrate and flap off of one another. You want to get the woman's clitoris right between your vibrating lips and blow to create the vibration. Suddenly, you are a human vibrator with very little effort. This vibrator is significantly superior to a simple battery operated vibrator because it creates a very different stimulation than a flat, dry surface.

You will have your woman in sexual ectasy when you get this move mastered. She will not believe that you know this move and how good it feels. This is one of those techniques that will create orgasms extremely quickly. If your woman has trouble having multiple orgasms through vaginal stimulation, or having an orgasm at all through vaginal stimulation, this oral technique used before vaginal stimulation will allow her to orgasm from vaginal stimulation.

Get more orgasm secrets that you can use on your woman all night long.

2 Sexy Seduction Tips That Will Make Women Desperate to See You Again

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to discuss 2 sexy seduction tips that will simply make women desperate to see you after you're gone. The simple truth is that women are largely emotional creatures and TAPPING, prodding and ethically exploiting our psychological triggers is a PHENOMENALLY fast and effective way of getting whatever you want from a woman's mind....(or body!) after you've said "sayonara". So continue reading and I'll spill the beans on a few of MY favorites, even though I DON'T appreciate when they're done to me! Read on..:-)

Categorized: Amaze with Ambiance

Women LOVE a man who can create a seductive scene. Most men, however, think ESPN re-runs and a few imported beers are the sign of a cultured lover..:-)This means, all things being equal, if you can create a red hot romantic atmosphere when you are "intimate" you are going to create a MEMORABLE scene she not only WON'T be able to wipe out of her short term memory...she ALSO won't be able to wait to see it (and you!) again.

Categorized: Creative Communication

You may not realize this, but women love a man who communicates during sex, both BEFORE, during..and AFTER. If you can manipulate her mind and amp UP her erotic energy with words, her BODY will yearn for yours to return. Again, women are hard wired differently than you are, and 9 times out of 10 what REALLY turns her on emanates more from mental stimulation than it does from the purely physical. Learn this, and use it well - it works WONDERS, I promise!

Categorized: Penis Size IS Important!

And remember, women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable) You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGAM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Foreplay - Mistakes Men Make During Foreplay

By Susan Johnsson

There are a number of mistakes that men make during foreplay without realizing it. It is important to understand that these mistakes could be putting your partner off, thus being the cause of many lovemaking sessions going bad. Let us look at some of the common mistakes that men make;


Many men believe that sticking their tongue into a woman's ear is a turn on. In fact it is quite the opposite, and majority of women find it a turn off. If you wish to stimulate her, you can gently nibble on her ear lobe, or gently blow air on it. She will be far more receptive to this than having a warm moist tongue poking in her ear.

Sloppy Kissing

While kissing is a great part of foreplay, and should be encouraged, be careful not to be a sloppy kisser. When kissing your partner, do not drool or kiss with excess saliva in your mouth, as this will turn her off. Instead, try to swallow your saliva and kiss her gently and passionately.

Slow Down

This has been stressed a number of times; women need more time to get in to the mood than men. They need to be relaxed mentally and feel emotionally safe before they start to get aroused. Don't just strip her clothes off and head straight for her vagina, as this will certainly put her off completely. Take time to enjoy what she is wearing for you, and remove it slowly, exploring her body inch by inch.

Once she is undressed, try giving her a nice massage with scented oils. This will give her a feeling of well being and get her totally relaxed.

Download a Free copy of the Female Orgasms Sex Guide, and learn powerful techniques to give your partner Mind-blowing orgasms. To download your free copy, click here.

Is the Wild Self Really Dangerous?

By Angelique Shofar

"An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me. It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride, and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too." The children thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied: "The one I feed."

I start off with this quote because each of us embody energies of polarities; characteristics that stand on opposite sides of the same scale whereby in every given moment we chose (consciously or in reaction) to engage either of those sides. Like muscles, the more we engage and utilize one side the stronger it becomes. Now let's bring this into the world of sexuality. The place that is so misjudged by mankind, yet distantly remembered. From the moment we arrive through that channel and process, we begin to forget our primordial, wild self. My path and purpose is to remember who I am with all my wildness and the raw energies of creation and to help others remember as well.

Almost all the cultures of the world have perceived and marked the 'Wild Self" as dangerous and live in accordance with avoiding and suppressing that aspect of our being. When a woman expresses her anger, she's crazy and labeled the mad woman. When a man acts out his dark side, he is a danger to society and gets thrown behind bars. We are not taught, because we don't know as a collective world, how to distinguish and work with and embrace all sides and calm the inner struggles we have.

It never ceases to amaze me how people are accustomed to reacting with surprise and as though they don't remember the world is violent (and their role in making it so) each time they hear news of someone being killed, crimes of passion and so forth. It's like an automatic button that goes off inside. Even in cases of prejudice and injustices, we react to it the same old way. When people make love on the tv screen we rush to cover the eyes of our children. Other times other folks are advocating that sex and all that leads up to it is nasty and evil. I am, frankly, sick of the same old same old. As the saying goes, the more things change the more they remain the damn same. Earthlings remain at a level of consciousness that is as low as the serpent, unfortunately.

We feed into the idea that the world is violent and we expect peace; we feed into the notion that Africa (my birthplace) is poor and AIDs contaminated and we expect to see and experience otherwise; we feed into our fear of not having money and we wake up broke everyday; we feed into the fear of getting cancer or some other deadly disease and we become diagnosed of such; we fear failure and well, what do we get... just that - the opposite of success. We fear dying and live our entire life eroding each day. Who's creating here?

Again back to the original story above and the freedom of choice. As the Sexual Griot I'd like to bring a
sexual dimension to this same mode of expression. It is not by accident that violence is so popular on television, in movies, in the lyrics of songs for it is through these outlets that people are expressing that suppressed wildness, slaughtering and damaging and striking out in a romanticized rebellion against social morality that has castrated them, imprisoning them in a cocoon of niceness and politeness, as Margo Ananda tries to explain in her book, The Art of Sexual Magic. The negative angry, greedy, resentful and arrogant wolf is still winning the fight because it is that side of us that is fed day in and day out.

The primary reason why I refrain from watching television and listening to the news is because I am keen on feeding my loving, sensual, sexy, compassionate, kind, serene, peaceful and hopeful side. Looking at those images do not make me feel good inside so why feed the horrible feelings they evoke? Through ecstasy, fantasy and our natural sensual desires we can recognize and reclaim the value of our Wild Self. That side which holds the key to our primordial, fundamental power of creation - as creators! We are all creation and creators but this loss of memory and path is to a large degree responsible for the frustration and unhappiness experienced between the sexes. The point of creation begins where you focus your attention and we are far removed from our true authentic nature as sexual beings.

People are often shocked and even offended when I am blunt and "matter of fact" with them. I remember that part of my spirit as a child. I would not hold back my tongue when I expressed my self. Sadly I lost some friends but as I look back, they were not worth having in the first place. Then I moved into a phase of my life whereby I did shut down because I was afraid that I would loose more friends, family and become isolated. The Rebel in me suffered as I began to practice holding back (suppression) and eventually it took a toll on me - mind, body, heart and soul. I developed fibroid tumors and periods of fleeting depression. I began to use certain tools of escapism. I have never been much of a drinker but when I did, I did it in excess. I even experimented with other psychedelic substances in search of the return of my wild side, to experience that deep pleasure carried over from ancient lives that I longed for. My body became stagnant, my energy slowed down and my valves began to close. As a result I became confused, chose to be with the wrong people, cut off my love supply, while my self-esteem diminished. I became sexually repressed and inhibited. I made some awkward and not so good choices and settled for less.

But the resilient soul that I am could not be held back for too long. The loving wolf in me began to awaken and with powerful guidance from the source, I began to make some slow but drastic and visible changes in my life. My interest and curiosity of the workings of my body and mind were strong. Oh I went down the religious path as well. But it didn't work for me. The people in that area were too hypocritical, and I found religion to be a mental game of bible verse memorization and the absence of the "heart". It and the folks that turned to it lacked originality and a sense of individuality. They were singing versus and speaking the language they learned from the religious institution. No real leaders, just followers. No color, no flavor, just blandness.

Then I became a blind and deaf woman relying on my tactile senses. I still am today as I feel and sense my way through life - mind in alignment with heart. So how does a blind and deaf person unable to read the scriptures of the bible or hear the sermon of a preacher experience the power of GOD or the universal force? TELL ME PLEASE especially you religious holy mollies who are blind, deaf AND cut off from your senses. Then I explored and loved yoga. I began to sense my deep spiritual yearnings and the power of the unseen world - magic, sexual, creative energy, pure love vibrational dimensions. My original passion as a dancer began to resurface, and with my creativity flowing again I blended it in a style of yoga I created called Soulfull Yoga with the aim of once again evoking my wild, soulful self.

Then on two different occasions, I experienced phenomenal orgasms that were earth shattering, mind blowing, body quivering and soul resurrecting for me. Each took me to a place that I had never been before. And those moments allowed for the deepest most restful sleep that I had ever had. And none of them happened while having sex. So I've yearned to experience that over and over and go beyond that for I knew it was infinity itself. I noticed that practicing yoga was awakening my sexual sensitivity once again because that part of me was so explosive as a child that I didn't know what do to with it or who to talk to about it. As I got older, memories of my sexual innocence and powers began to resurface.

During my yoga teacher training, I experienced bursts of ecstasy. I went to the Berkshire Mountains, where I trained, with a blocked second chakra, fibroid tumors and the inability to conceive, but when I returned home only after 9 days of intensive yoga and open valve I became pregnant in a matter of days. My body and mind were united with freedom and total well being. I desired to know and understand more. On another occasion, I danced into the embrace of my lover. We danced ecstatically, sensually and divinely. The naked eyes could see only me, but I was dancing with my awakened lover who resides within. Touched by an Angel, that Angel was ME!

I also kept in mind the constant reminder that somehow I had a responsibility to one day share this wisdom, these experiences and knowledge with those who were ready and in need. And I knew that I had to be ready. Now that I have arrived at the doorway of readiness, are my people ready for this? Are they ready to embrace their wild nature and sacred worlds beyond their imagination?

There is a way out of this viscous cycle of madness, of the inner and external war that is going on today. And the Wild Self can be released in a creative, playful and intentional way that cultivates loving intimacy between men and women while at the same time enhancing and raising the vibrations of humans and planet earth. We don't have to be afraid of our sexual powers. We don't have to suppress them and manipulate others with our powers. We do not need to deny the power, passion and the essential qualities of our Wild Self! Instead we can express it in healthy ways before we literally destroy ourselves and this space in which we live on earth.

Choose to nurture and feed the loving, generous and faithful wolf that has deep loving and sexual needs and wounds to heal. Instead of spending so much time in realms of fear, worries, hating, anxiety, insecurities. The world would be a much better place if, as a society, culture and people, we practice the massive, phenomenal, unparallel powers and divine nature of our sexuality and practice being in a mind and space of loving!

"He who realizes the truth of the body can then come to know the truth of the universe."

Angelique Shofar is a sexual wellness & sensual lifestyle coach; a tantric yoga/dance teacher & freelance writer. She facilitates sensual~ cultural events, retreats & workshops around holistic sexuality, wellness & empowerment. She is the founder and director of The Spirit of Wellness. Visit her online at: and her blog at Email her at:

Erotic Food Power!

By Angelique Shofar

Have you ever considered that perhaps it's the foods you eat that thwart your sex drive? Or that those pleasure foods and drugs are diminishing your sex drive and robbing you of the beneficial nutrients vital to sexual health and well being? Is it any wonder that the love making patterns of most humans today are that of an animalistic nature in which the aggressor is rushed and in pursuit of an orgasm to satisfy the raw uncultivated sexual urges? That IS animal behavior!

Having been born and raised in another culture, I have to admit that eating became a habit of emotional response after living in America for some time. The colorful, rich, perfect looking food commercials that lace the screens of the "tell-lie-vision" and magazine pages, makes a big impression on the psyche. With so many years of expressing and seeking sensual, erotic moments through food I know first hand, the power of food...... as well as the dis-empowerment associated with food. The many times when my desire for physical pleasure and stimulation were unmet naturally, I sought ecstasy through foods. And it came with a price!

Eating is a highly erotic experience. The process is like love-making in many respects. The foreplay can be seen as the preparation that extends into the dishing up of food onto yours and your lovers plate. Eating it is the actual love-making phrase when deep penetration and mastication takes place. The saliva excreted as love juice mixes the flow and enhances the potency of those pleasurable moments. The intimate and sensual edge of eating together, in same bowl, with well washed hands - as spoon- is an erotic eating tradition that I know so well. Growing up on the first continent brought intimacy and trust through eating from the same bowl or calabash with others.

But we are too busy to even slow down and experience the erotic power of foods here in the wild wild West. And in seeking ways to enhance intimate relationships, we often overlook simple paths like the erotic nature of food -a basic necessity. Slowing down is a fundamental aspect of Tantra. I used to have "dates" with myself where I would turn my telephone ringer offer and take my own sweet time cooking dinner and preparing the table for me, I and myself! Those were powerful and pleasurably silent moments filled with sounds rather than words.

The Tantric tradition is in favor of eating in moderation and choosing food that is seasonal. When we are present within ourselves we can hear and feel the body more clearly. Conscious cooking and conscious eating bring out the erotic power in food that may ring, sounds and feel different from person to person. In those moments the messages we get from our foods can open us to the erotic and or healthy energies of foods

In Hatha Yoga traditions one should refrain from eating excessively acid, bitter, salty or pungent foods. And advises that "Half the stomach should be filled with food, one quarter with water or other liquid, and one quarter should be empty to aid the practice of breath control." How do you measure, you're probably asking? I'd like to know myself.

The mental attitude of the person preparing the food pervades each item like the herbs and seasonings that penetrate the outer layers and the exterior of our edibles. Likewise, the mental body in turn influences the digestive process. Eating while upset, or while sitting before the television or behind the wheel takes away from the sacramental quality of eating. It is this sacramental quality that is filled with the power of erotic. The link to erotic power begins through the blessing of and remembrance of the source of the food. I always fill my food with love and light, raising the vibration of what I put into my mouth and body. Rushing to make already quick meals only robs you of the healing erotic and aphrodisiac properties of cooking. These are meant to be God filled meditation moments that symbolize and activate the nurturing and nourishing our body needs. Cooking (and arranging erotic foods) is the alchemy of magically transmuting our sexual energies into materials or substances of significant value.

Aphrodisiac Foods

"Man is lead by the hair of a drive that is stronger than he is."

We must visit the Greek culture to first understand the roots of aphrodisiac. Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of Love. She was the femme fatale of the Romans. The word Aphrodisiac derived from the love of Aphrodite. Aphrodisiacs have long been sought after because it is believed that they enhance the greatest earthly pleasure given: Sex.

The aphrodisiac's purpose is to enhance sexual urges & desire, (libido) and the sexual drive. They have been used for thousands of years. Many drugs are plant based, yet nature is always way ahead of man and his inventive mind. Without plants many man-made drugs would have never come to be.

Our ancestors used aphrodisiac plants for purposes of seduction, to spice up sex life, to improve potency and to remedy infertility and sterility.

Some Aphrodisiac Foods:

Agave--Agavaceae-- Mexico-ritual inebriant. Fermented juice, or agave wine, called pulque, from the peduncle is used. Add few seeds of horn apple to increase effect. Tequila is distilled from Agave Tequilana. Other spices used to make schnapps called mescal.

Asparagus --Asparagus officinales-- diuretic, it stimulates activity of kidneys and is depurative. People who eat a lot of asparagus have also many lovers.

Cacao Tree --Theobroma cacao) Central America-mild stimulant, ground beans made into drink or chocolate bar. Ancient Indian recipe of chocolate: Roasted beans are ground and dissolved in water, along with vanilla, cayenne pepper, matico pepper, pimento, cinnamon, squash seeds. A cup of gold can be salty or sweetened with honey. Cocoa was considered the "food of gods"; Aztec prostitutes were paid in cocoa. Beans contain theobromine and caffeine, aphrodisiac phenylethylamine.

Celery --Apium graveolenns--stimulant, fresh root eaten, it strengthen the sex organs. Celery root contains an essential oil and minerals iron, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus.

Date Palm --Phoenix dactilifera--Asia, Arabia, North America- invigorate, inebriant, dates eaten, palm wine drunk. Add preparations of nightshade, hemp or opium for better results.

Durian Fruit has an intriguing reputation in Southeast Asia as having aphrodisiac properties. It is not clear whether this is attributed to some substance in the fruit pulp

Oyster Meat -- Oyster extract is excellent for men's reproductive health and endurance. It is a rich source for the amino acid taurine, which has a cardio-protective effect and also in nerve transmission. Historically known as an aphrodisiac, flavanoids in oyster meat have been shown to stimulate the reproductive system

Pimento --Pimenta dioica-- Central America, Caribbean- stimulant, one of the most common spices in ancient America and Indian folk medicine. It warms the body and becomes an aphrodisiac when taken in large quantities, especially with cocoa. Contains essential oils

Pineapple --Ananas cosmosus-- diuretic, invigoration! Has a great digestive effect, a purifying effect. Use fresh fruit juice. For aphrodisiac effects to work-- eat pineapple with chili powder or mixed with honey and rum. A small glass taken daily promotes energies of love.

Pomegranate tree --Punica granatum-- Mediterranean, Asia Minor- invigorator! The fruits are eaten-- the fruit is sacred to Aphrodite. The rinds are rich in tannins.
Sea Bean --Canavalia maritima-- South America, Africa- psychedelic, the beans have aphrodisiac qualities. They are ingested or smoked in the place of marijuana. In ancient America these beans were used in magic and rituals, they have been found in the prehistoric graves. The active substance is L-betonicine.

Squash --Curcubita pepo--America - diuretic, invigorator, seeds eaten and aphrodisiac for women. In Aurvedic and Tantric systems seeds eaten during rituals of love, and belong to vajicarana. Seeds contain fatty oil, protein and vitamin E that is important for healthy sexuality.

Sweet Potato --Ipomoea batatas--Sental and South America - invigorator! Excessive consumption stimulates the woman's sex drive.
Thorn Apple --Datura species, Solanaceae-- strong psychodelic, very erotic, plant of prophesy and witches plant. Leaves or flowers brewed into tea, seeds eaten, herbage smoked. All species and all parts contain highly active tropane alkaloids.

Wild Lettuce --Lactuca virosa--Europe, North America -narcotic, dried sap smoked for ritual purposes and as a sexual stimulant. Contains an alkaloid lactusine which has qualities that are similar to morphine.

Basil --Ocimum sanctum-- South Asia, Europe - used as spices, medical uses Eat one leaf a day to: maintain health, prosperity, and fertility. Basil gives for an exciting sex life. The popular spice basil (Ocimum basilicum) also possesses aphrodisiac powers. Contains essential oil, tannins and vitamins.

Cardamom - Cardamon is a sensual spice considered to have aphrodisiac properties. With a peculiar nature, it cools the body when it is hot and warms it when it is cold. Cleopatra used to take baths in cardamom.

Cardamom - Elettaria cardamomum --Southeast Asia - It is a stimulant especially if added to coffee. Its essential oil has an erotic effect.

Cayenne Pepper Capsicum Annuum, Solanaceae-- Middle and South America - stimulant, irritant, fresh or dried fruits eaten. It heats the sexual drive. It has irritating effects on membranes and urogenital area. Contains acrid substance capsicum and a lot of vitamin C. Avoid over dosage.

Cayenne is also known as capsicum and plays a very large role in blood circulation. When cayenne is ingested, it dilates blood vessels. This allows increased blood flow throughout the body, especially in the major organs. The male penis benefits greatly from the ingestion of cayenne. It is a widely held belief that cayenne aids in longer lasting erections, with stronger ejaculations and more intense orgasms. No wonder African men are sexually powerful!

Meals rich in fruits and vegetables provide beneficial nutrients that keep organs in peak condition and energy at maximum levels, both of which are essential for lovemaking.

Stay away from fried foods and rich cream sauces. They can leave us feeling more sluggish than sexy. Too much sugar, salt, saturated fat and highly processed foods are linked to frigidity, difficulty reaching orgasm and lack of interest in sex. Sounds familiar? Scaling back on these foods will help revive and preserve sexual vitality and enhance total well-being. Put a cap on the overindulgence of alcohol and coffee, and skip tobacco completely. These "pleasure drugs" take away from the depths, experience and authenticity of the feelings and the loving making act. Some indulgences are beneficial. The rich, delicious decadence known as chocolate contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that raises the body's endorphins - our natural antidepressants. Enjoyed in moderation, a few pieces can lift libido, providing a tantalizing prelude to sex. (But please don't overindulge!)

Indulge in this one... a blend that is out of this world: EATING and MAKING-LOVE! Using food while making love. This can be such a tantalizing, erotic combination... if you do them slowly!! Hey...remember no rush!

*The contents on this article are informational only! Experiment wisely and consciously!

Angelique Shofar is a sexual wellness & sensual lifestyle coach; a tantric yoga/dance teacher & freelance writer. She facilitates sensual~ cultural events, retreats & workshops around holistic sexuality, wellness & empowerment. She is the founder and director of The Spirit of Wellness. Visit her online at: and her blog at Email her at:

How to Last Longer in Bed - Make Her Achieve an Orgasm After Orgasm One After the Other in a Row

By Pushpa Pal Singh

There is nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to the matter of lasting longer in bed. You see it is absolutely vital to last long in bed simply due to the fact that women take longer than men to achieve an orgasm due to which you must be able to last long enough. There are some stunning underground tricks which can make you last very long in bed almost instantly. Read on to discover what these tricks are and achieve earth shattering results using them.......

Use a condom- Yes it is really this simple. Using a condom during intercourse not only helps prevent the transmission of various diseases but it also makes you last longer as your penis is not stimulated strong enough for you to achieve an orgasm real fast. Therefore make it a habit to use a condom.

Change the way you move it- The way you move your penis inside the vagina has a lot to do when it comes to the matter of lasting longer in bed. A lot of guys move it in a manner which leads to extreme stimulation on the penis due to which they are not able to control it for long. A best way to really control it is to move your penis in circular motions instead of the standard in and out motion. This would greatly help you in lasting longer in bed.

Masturbate before the big deal- A lot of men do not have the ability to achieve multiple orgasms one after the other due to which you should masturbate a few times before sex as this would allow you to last real long in bed.

An absolute must know for you- This secret is an absolute must know for you no matter what. This is the grand daddy of all which would give you the ultimate power to become a magnet towards which every woman would be attracted. This is only known to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who are being introduced to this shocking secret click here- Tell me the Secret

How to Be Mind Blowing in Bed - Make Her Achieve Multiple Orgasms and Beg You For More & More

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Being good in bed is actually more of a skill than anything else. It requires a lot of creativity using which you will be able to satisfy your partner in ways she has never ever dreamed about. You see this is a skill one doesn't learn at school due to which a lot of people out there are not good enough in bed. This is probably the major reason why you must know these at all costs. Read on to discover some of the most earth shattering ways you can use right now to become mind blowing in bed........

Increase your knowledge- Knowledge is everything especially when it comes to the matter of sex. You see the more you know the better you will be in bed and this is the reason why you must follow the best as well. Watch porn movies and learn the techniques those guys use, read some sexual books or read books on women and their sexuality. It's highly recommended that you increase your knowledge as that would make you the ultimate god she would worship in bed.

Experiment with new stuff all the time- This is something which will keep sex interesting and fresh even in the long term. You should be willing to experiment with new things, stuff and positions. What happens in most common cases is that the man keeps on doing the same stuff over and over again due to which sex gets boring after a while and nothing seems to work right. At the same time you should also consider your partners needs and see what she truly likes or dislikes in bed. When you can't think of something new it's always recommended to let your partner take over.

An absolute must know for you- This secret is an absolute must know for you no matter what. This is the grand daddy of all which would give you the ultimate power to become a magnet towards which every woman would be attracted. This is only known to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who are being introduced to this shocking secret click here- Tell me the Secret

How to Give Her a Mind Blowing Foreplay and Make Her Achieve Multiple Orgasms Several Times

By Pushpa Pal Singh

If you really want to turn the heat on between the sheets you must have the ability to give your partner a stunning foreplay. Nothing much will happen unless you are able to turn your partner on completely and that can only be done by giving her a mind blowing foreplay. There are some underground secret techniques using which you can give your partner a mind blowing foreplay and turn her absolutely wild. Read on to discover what these ways are and achieve earth shattering results......

Compliment her in every way possible- Tell her how good she looks naked and what she truly means to you. Tell her that you really feel good in her company and she is something you simply can not live without. You see words can mean a lot to a woman especially when it comes from someone special. Not only this it instantly turns her on emotionally where she feels stronger attraction towards you and gets turned on real fast.

Create the right mood and slowly undress her- In several cases the couples tend to undress themselves which is not the right way to do it. The best possible way would be to slowly undress your partner with your own hands and take it as slow as possible. The pleasure seems to double when you do it instead of your partner doing it herself.

Use your tongue- Nothing can be a bigger turn on than your tongue for a woman. If you know how to use it in the right way you can make her go extremely wild in bed. The best way to use it would be to move from a sensual kiss down her stomach into her thigh area and then attack the vaginal area using gentle licking.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

Exposed - 3 Sexual Secrets About Women You Simply Can Not Afford to Miss at Any Cost

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Everyone desires to have the kind of sex which would completely satisfy both the partners and both of them reach the peak of sexual pleasure one can possibly achieve. But when it comes to the matter of women it's a totally different ball game as they are the complete opposite to males. This is the major reason why it's extremely to know secrets to their sexuality if you want to satisfy them to the extreme. Read on to discover what these secrets are and achieve earth shattering results fast.......

They want you to make the first move- This is something every woman wants and often it is a big turn on if the guy takes over at first. You should always make the first move no matter what. Nothing can drive a woman more wild with pleasure than a man who knows how to dominate in the right way at the right time.

Make her feel good about herself- This is another concept you must consider if you really want to give her the best experience in bed and become the best lover she has ever had. You should always try to make her as comfortable as possible and at the same time tell her how good she looks and smells in bed. You see saying this is another big turn on and at the same time she would be more than willing to pleasure you in ways you have only dreamed about.

Take it slow- Now this is one thing most women complain about. They always say that their partner is just too fast to get done with the whole thing. You should be willing to take it as slow as possible as that way she is able to feel more sensations and reaches higher levels of pleasure in bed.

An absolute must know for you- This secret is an absolute must know for you no matter what. This is the grand daddy of all which would give you the ultimate power to become a magnet towards which every woman would be attracted. This is only known to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who are being introduced to this shocking secret click here- Tell me the Secret

How to Find the Female G-Spot - Does the G Spot Exist?

By Maurice Tate

I was talking to a male friend the other day and he told me that the g-spot does not exist. I found it hard not to laugh as I had the night before, taken my lover into intense g-spot orgasms for at least 40 minutes.

In my experience with many women, g-spot and cervical orgasms are more intense and much more body shaking than the usual clitoris orgasms.

When a woman first has these types of deeper orgasms she will just say WOW after the experience of such pleasure.

It is pretty easy to teach a man how to find the g-spot as it is not that hard to find with a bit of information. You just need to do a few steps and get some feedback from your lover to find it successfully.

Where is the g-spot?

The g-spot is usually located about two inches inside of the vaginal canal on the upper side or top.

How big is the g-spot?

Generally the g-spot is a dime to quarter-sized area with ridges like a walnut. However, every woman is different as regards the exact location and the texture of this area.

How do you find the g-spot?

Make sure your lady is very turned on before starting g spot massage. One can use ones finger to explore the vulva. Make sure your partner guides you as to the exact location. She should notice unique sensations when you touch this special spot. The g-spot can take some good pressure so let you lover guide you to what she likes.

One Secret: G-spot and clitoral orgasms combined.

A woman can experience orgasm from g-spot stimulation massage alone. One can also stimulate the g spot and clitoris so she experiences clitoral and g-spot orgasms at the same time? Trust me, having both types of orgasm at once is surely an amazing and earth-shattering orgasmic experience.

Combing oral sex and g spot stimulation is too explicit for this site and is covered in my free newsletter at Oral Sex Tips

Maurice Tate is a qualified sexologist trained at the Advanced Institute of Sexology. Learn how to talk dirty for some intense sex, visit my free Dirty Talking Guide Great sex is your birthright!

Many women have never had this experience, and when they to they will tell all their girlfriends what a great lover you are, so try my tips tonight.

3 Things Women Hate in Bed - a Woman's Guide to Love and Lust

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to discuss 3 things women hate in bed. If you are anything like MOST men, you are simply NOT satisfying your woman where it counts most. Now I know that ALL of my male friends think that doesn't apply to them...but of course I know their GIRLFRIENDS so I just have to pretend they are the exceptions..:-) But seriously, if you are having some second thoughts about your skills in the sack, these simple rules should help you AVOID the things that are hurting your game and hampering HER passion for romance. Read on..:-)

Filed Under: Be Decisive

There is NOTHING worse than being with a man who is indecisive in intimate moments. Look, lots of women enjoy being proactive and all, but you don't want to stand idly by while she makes all the decisions..:-) Simply put, women enjoy a man who knows what he wants and goes for it.

Filed Under: The Houdini Act

Trust me when I tell you it's a HUGE turnoff when you pick up and leave 3 seconds after it's over. And I'm not talking about going home either. Heading to the living room to watch Sports Center counts. Hang out for a while.....she'll appreciate it more than you know, I promise..:-)

Filed Under: The silent treatment

If I've said it once, I've said it a HUNDRED times. Women love a man who is communicative in bed. This EXPRESSIVE. Speak. Whisper. Say things you wouldn't ordinarily say...she'll love it, I guarantee it. But not saying ANYTHING is simply NOT an option for good sex. It's boring and women REALLY need our minds stimulated as well as our bodies. This goes a LONG way in helping make that happen!

Filed Under: Penis Size IS Important!

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable) You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

How Couples Can Deal With Different Levels of Sexual Desire

By Tristan Bailey

We all have different levels of interest in sex and our libido can fluctuate quite dramatically throughout our lifetime, especially as we get older. Couples who have small differences in sexual desire can manage the situation relatively easily, but problems can occur when the disparity is much larger.

When one person desires sex more often than their partner it can have a negative impact on a relationship, and if not dealt with, the situation can become intolerable. When there is a massive difference in the level of sexual desire between two people in a relationship it can be very hard to find a solution that will satisfy each other's needs.

The person who has a lower level of sexual desire will often feel pressured to do something that they don't feel like doing and over time this can lead to resentment and anger. As the situation gets worse they will start to lose interest in sex altogether and their level of sexual desire will decrease even further.

The person who has a higher level of sexual desire will often feel unloved, deprived, and desperate because they are not getting what they want and need from the relationship. As the situation gets worse they will start to want sex even more frequently and their level of sexual desire will increase even further.

This creates a vicious circle where one person's sexual desire increases while the other person loses all interest and this can result in the relationship becoming unbearable. But while this is a serious problem, it can be resolved if both parties are willing to make an effort to accommodate for each other's differences.

Its a delicate balance between not pressuring one person to have sex when they don't want to, and making sure the other person's sexual needs are being met adequately. If this problem has existed for a long time during a relationship the situation may have become so bad that the help of a therapist may be required to try and resolve it.

To solve this problem, the person with the lower level of sexual desire must be willing to provide sexual satisfaction to their partner in ways that don't involve intercourse. As well as not being forced to have intercourse when they are not aroused, they may also gain pleasure from pleasing their partner.

Doing this will reduce the pressure for more frequent sex from the person with a higher level of sexual desire and they will regain the feeling that their partner cares about their needs. The other person may also experience an increased level of sexual desire because they are not being forced to have intercourse and there is less strain on the relationship.

To find out more about sexual enhancers just go here:

Help Her Have an Orgasm - a Girls Guide to Great Sex

By Megan Zoile

In this article we are going to talk about how you can help YOUR girlfriend (or Wife!) have an orgasm. Now, before you get all defensive about your sexual skills, let me break a little bit of bad news to you..:-) Most women are NOT having the sorts of earth shaking orgasmic experiences you THINK they are, and for the most part...they keep this silent so as NOT to hurt your feelings. But the facts don't lie...and EVERY major survey done says the exact same thing: Not only are we NOT having orgasms, many women are faking them as well. REGULARLY. Ouch! So continue reading as I give the guys out there that CARE a few easy tips to turn it all around...and FAST. Read on..:-)

Filed Under: What's Said in the Bedroom...STAYS in the bedroom

I've said this many times before, but it simply works. Talk to your girl in bed. She really wants you to - I promise! Most women admit to being turned on by talk that TRANSCENDS the ordinary pillow talk, and don't worry...she WON'T think less of you in the morning..:-) A woman's MIND is her most erogenous zone, and if you can stimulate this first, the body is ALWAYS close behind.

Filed Under: A Sense of Adventure is Key

If you've been with her for a while, the chances are that intimacy has gotten a bit stale...EVEN if YOU still think it's good. Spice it up with some new and interesting things. Try stuff you might NOT have thought she'd like. Be ADVENTUROUS. Be creative, erotic and EXOTIC in your lovemaking ideas and implementations.....she WILL respond accordingly, I guarantee it! Remember, the key component to keeping EVERY aspect of your relationship alive and vibrant is FRESHNESS and creativity. Men seem to get COMFORTABLE with the same stuff after a while...whereas women are EXACTLY the opposite!

Filed Under: Penis Size IS Important!

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue..:-), they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy (a thicker penis is preferable ) You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold..:-)

So Click Here to become a more Powerful lover and give her an ORGASM so STRONG ....she'll scream your name in her sleep!

Rev Up Your Married Sex Life! Apply These Sex Goddess Ideas (With a Little Help From Your Nanny Spy)

By Nahshon Roberts

Married sex life can suffer from familiarity, work stress, and child-rearing demands. You will experience a decrease in quantity as well as a decline in quality.

To make up for the quantity, you can try these sex goddess ideas to rev up the quality of your sex life. Use your nanny spy camera, too! Satisfaction guaranteed!

Start Pre-Play Early

Early in the morning, give your man a very passionate kiss to convey your lustful desires later in the night. Then, scoot off the bed and tell him that it was just the appetizer; main course and dessert comes later.

If you have a nanny spy camera installed in your bedroom, transmit the footage of your lustful morning kiss to his cell phone. You can even blow him a kiss! This should build his sexual anticipation.

Get Him Out of His Carnal Comfort Zone

If your man enjoys certain sexual positions, you can suggest new ones that he will also enjoy. You can choose positions that closely approximate the angle of entry, body position and view. For example, if he likes the doggie style, you can suggest the reverse cowgirl!

Pose in front of your bedroom nanny spy camera, mimic his favorite position and then very slowly shift to your suggested position. He will be imagining your sex date later and improving on your poses! All because you had the imagination to use the nanny spy camera for your carnal purposes!

Use Sex Toys and Ordinary Things

Do not be afraid to use sex toys to put exciting newness into your sex routines. Even a dildo has its uses for married people; just make sure that it is clean and that you do not put it inside body orifices not meant to take it.

Ordinary things like a hairbrush (for spanking), a straw (for blowing into his package), and ice (for hot and cold sensation) can be transformed into sex toys. Again, be imaginative and daring.

You can even capture these playful and passionate moments with your nanny spy camera. Instead of watching porno stars do their thing, you can watch yourselves do your thing! Look at it as an educational experience on self-voyeurism and self-pornography. Just be sure to keep the footages away from prying hands and eyes! These are not family home movies, you know?

Step on the Brakes

Your ability to delay sexual gratification for both of you builds up physical tension and emotional excitement. The principle underlying stepping on the sexual brakes is that the harder it is to attain something, the more you usually want it.

As much as you can, practice delayed sexual gratification at least once. This way, the true climax will be more satisfying.

Engage in Pillow Talk

As your marriage gets older, the inclination to talk meaningfully decreases. Everyday concerns like shuttling the kids, keeping the house running, paying the bills, and keeping up with the mortgage pushes pillow talk to nothing more than a "That was good" comment.

Rev up your sex life by bringing back the sweet nothings that have been present when you were just newly-weds. Start with words that go beyond "That was good". Be raunchy, if you have to!

With plenty of imagination and sense of adventure, your sex toys, your nanny spy camera, and your man's cooperation, you will be a sex goddess extraordinaire in no time at all!

Who says that nanny cams only be used to spy on the nanny? Wireless nanny cams can be used to rev up your sex life, too! Visit and get the perfect nanny spy camera for your bedroom now!