Sexuality Tips For You.

September 7, 2008

The Secret Behind the Best Female Orgasms

By Bernice L

Yes, there are orgasms, plain and simple, and there the best female orgasms. How you get from plain orgasms to the best orgasms is completely up to you and your partner. Women should know the secrets to reaching the best orgasms and it is imperative that their partners should lend a hand and participate as well.

Sometimes, in order for women to experience the best orgasms ever, they only need to be placed in the right setting. Make your man understand that in order for you to experience the best climax out there, the right mood has to be set first. Create a romantic and sexy atmosphere conducive to making love at the very end.

Both of you should be comfortable in the mood created. Think of it as the foundations of foreplay. Foreplay is very much crucial for every woman to reach orgasm. If the foundations are laid right with the right atmosphere, you will not only experience an orgasm but the best female orgasms.

Now that the mood is set, it's time to get stimulated. There are many areas, called erogenous zones that women can be stimulated. These areas heighten a woman's sex drive.

The place that your man should never forget to stimulate, however, is your clitoris. This is as important and just as sensitive to any woman as a penis is to a man. Also, your man should learn to caress and stimulate your breasts. Many women have experienced the best female orgasms from breast fondling alone.

Of course, something that you can always rely on to give you a good time every single time are female libido enhancers. These not only work to increase your libido but to give you the greatest orgasm you've ever experienced.

Try products like Vigorelle and Provestra. You can even learn about more products by going to our website. Learning how to experience the best female orgasms is just one click away.

Have the best female orgasms every time. Check out our female sexual enhancement review site for more of these amazing products that make achieving the female orgasm a possibility.

The Number One Difference Between A Great Lover And The Not So Much Guy!

By Arlene Krieger

It is a rainy Sunday afternoon and I am sitting down to write on this very important subject of, 'What makes your lover great.'

Also mentioned in this blog are safe-sex practices for those in the dating and mating scene. Many often take sexual health risks without understanding the consequences of unsafe sex. If you do not know your intended lover and haven't discussed previous dating practices, health records, blood work and STD, HIV testing measures, please do so before entering any new intimate relationship for your own safety.

As to what constitutes a "Great Lover" is a delicate subject indeed, and I do not profess to be the world's expert on differentiating between great lovers and not, however, being an expert in the field of human sexuality, I am often privy to numerous opinions on the subject, both unsolicited and randomly provided in my daily interactions with people (meaning on the street opinions, not those of my patients).

I was talking to a massage therapist the other day on this subject. I respect her ideas and she is a savvy woman of the world. Yes guys, we women do talk about such things. Possibly a bit differently than males do, but we talk.

So then, let's begin. It seems that there is a general consensus among women as to what makes for a not so good, a good and a great lover!


In general, this man will brag at first meeting of his sexual prowess in the bedroom. Also, it is often alluded to as to how well endowed he is. It seems that if the man was such a Casanova in the bedroom, he wouldn't be having to put out a pre-show documentary on his circus act abilities. Also, this man may have a Bad Boy persona, which usually doesn't get him too far. Many men think that women like Bad Boys, but believe me, its an urban myth !

Also, the "not so good lover" is generally all about himself, in multi-dimensional ways. It is maintained that this NSG lover is all about his own performance and pleasure. It is usually his way or the highway, and when suggestions are made, he maintains his reasoning for his own selfish proclivities, standing his ground like a spoiled child. Great sex is about sharing, communication, negotiation and most of all playfulness. Too many rules in the bedroom are a capital TO for Turn Off!


Danger: Equal-Opportunity STDs

Here's another reality check: sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are incredibly common in the U.S. -- even if your social circle is affluent and educated. The most common STDs are: Chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), and HIV/AIDS.
To reduce risk, use a condom every time you have sex. Ask your partner if he or she has ever had an STD -- even if the question feels awkward. Limit your number of sexual partners. Don't have sex with someone who has sores on his or her genitals. Don't receive oral sex from somebody with a cold sore. Ask your partner to be tested. Try alternate forms of sexual intimacy.

Please beware of the lover that will insist on not utilizing safe-sex practices. If a new lover demands that he not use a condom because he "can't feel anything", I'm sorry to say that's his problem, not yours. Don't risk contracting STD's or other sexually contracted diseases with this man's power play.


The 'Good Lover' takes responsibility and provides his own safe-sex protection. This man is a grown up all the way and usually knows what he wants. He is not too quick to jump the starting gate on the first date and knows the basic rules of not choking you to death with his tongue at first kiss. The Good Lover knows how to follow your lead both in and out of the bedroom.


Ahhhh... this man is a unique creature. Seriously he really does exist! The makings of a Great Lover depends on how healthy he is both mentally and physically himself. This man wants a partner who challenges and supports him towards being a more awake, present and open lover.
This man is not into playing games and is ready for the work and play it takes to co-create an extraordinary relationship together. This lover is looking for a woman who wants more than a partner "for masturbation by other" who wants to learn to flow and co-create together.

Dr. Arlene G. Krieger is a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist. She is well known in the community for her work in the fields of Marriage and Family therapy and Clinical Sexology in the tri-county areas of Palm Beach, Dade County and Broward Counties. Dr. Krieger specializes in Relationship and Intimacy issues in her private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. She can be reached via her website:

10 Things You Didn't Know About Condoms

By Tim Leach

Along with many issues surrounding sex, condoms are still a bit of a taboo in polite society. But as well as preventing pregnancy, condoms help prevent the transmission of most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

However, despite the dangers of unprotected sex, statistics from STD tests show that condoms are not used as often as they could be.

Perhaps if we just got to know them a little better, we'd feel more comfortable about using them. With that in mind, here are 10 of the most interesting things about condoms.

1 - Condoms were used by ancient civilisations

Although the subject is disputed amongst archaeologists and historians, some experts claim that condoms appeared in cave paintings going back 15,000 years. The oldest known representation of a condom in use is in a painting in the Grotte des Combarrelles cave in France. Also, societies in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome preferred small families and are known to have practiced a variety of birth control methods.

2 - First known use against STDs

In medieval times there probably weren't any reliable STD tests, nevertheless, most people would have known if they had one! It was therefore in 16th century Italy that Gabriele Falloppio wrote the first-known published description of condom use for STD prevention. He recommended soaking cloth sheaths in a chemical solution and allowing them to dry prior to use. Falloppio claimed to have performed an experimental trial of the linen sheath on 1100 men. The experiment supposedly indicated protection against syphilis.

3 - Oldest found condoms

The oldest condoms found (rather than just pictures or descriptions) are from 1640, discovered in Dudley Castle in England. They were made of animal intestine, and it is believed they were used for STD prevention.

4 - The Japanese made theirs out of tortoise shells

In 19th century Japan, both leather condoms and condoms made of tortoise shells or horns were available. Similar devices made from oiled silk paper have also been described in China.

5 - Dr Condom

The alleged invention of the condom by 'Dr. Condom' or the 'Earl of Condom' is believed to be false. It has also been hypothesized that a British army officer named Cundum popularized the device between 1680 and 1817. However, the true origin of the word is unknown.

6 - Time-consuming recipes

Condoms weren't always so easily available. An 1824 text offers a recipe with twelve very time-consuming steps involved in making condoms from sheep's 'intestina caeca.' After that much effort, it is hardly surprising that early condoms were considered reusable.

7 - Condoms used to be available only by prescription

In the US, there was a time that condoms were available only by prescription. Doctors would prescribe them to men so that husbands could protect themselves against getting STDs from prostitutes. However, they wouldn't prescribe them to women so they could prevent themselves from getting pregnant or for any other reason.

8 - Condoms have been sold in vending machines since 1928

The vending machine condom celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2008, courtesy of the company who manufactured the first brand-name condom, Germany-based, Fromm's. Their product, Fromm's Act, not only appeared in vending machines first - they also, somewhat bizarrely, had Mickey Mouse as their pitchman.

9 - Invisible condoms

Clinical trials on the 'invisible' condom, in fact a gel that hardens with increased temperatures, have been carried out by Quebec's Laval University. It is one of a number of products being developed which falls into the category of a female condom, some of which have received government approval. The Invisible Condom, however, is still awaiting approval.

10 - Spray-on condoms

German scientist Jan Vinzenz Krause of the Institute for Condom Consultation in Germany recently developed a spray-on condom that is currently in the stages of test marketing. Krause says that one of the advantages to his spray-on condom, which is reported to dry in about 5 seconds, is that it is perfectly formed to each penis.

Tim Leach is the Marketing Manager of American Lab Testing, providers of STD tests.

Loveologist Guide to Sex Tips For Women

By Sam D'costa

The first tip is to accept and love your body. It's time to overcome any guilt or shame about feelings of sexual desires, dreams, fantasies, and arousal because these feelings and experiences are healthy, natural, and essential for a healthy and happy woman to thrive. Learn about your own body inside and out. This includes knowing where your clitoris is, getting familiar with your monthly cycle and how secretions change, but most importantly how you respond to different types of sexual stimulation. In fact this applies to your entire body, so take the time to discover all of your erogenous zones because you are covered in "hot spots" from head to toe and there is no way that you can communicate your personal turn-ons to a lover if you haven't discovered them for yourself.

Find out when and what makes you sexually aroused because the greater your awareness of your body, the more you'll be able to enjoy it and the better it will work. In addition, if your lover has not developed the skill to stimulate you to orgasm, you can show him how to do so or you can simply achieve an orgasm on your own. You won't need to rely on or expect your lover to fulfill your sexual needs.

Always take responsibility for your own pleasure and orgasm, do not expect your lover to give it to you because sexual arousal begins between the ears and then it flows between the legs. So ladies, get into a juicy state of mind and you can sexy yourself up anytime you want. If you have never experienced an orgasm, you may be suffering from gynecological, hormonal or even neurological disorders, but more commonly you could have a psychological block such as resentment towards your partner.

Make an effort to talk to your lover about what turns you on and off in specific areas such as kissing, touching, oral sex, masturbation, and intercourse because your lover cannot read your mind and your interaction can give great insight into your relationship.

Men are well known as visual so the way a woman looks is important to them, but they also want their lovers to have certain qualities that are even more important than their looks. Here are the top qualities that men want in their lover.

Be affectionate, uninhibited, responsive, appreciative, flexible, creative, communicative, and assertive in the bedroom.

How many do you have? If your answer is only a few, then you can work on developing the others. After all, everyone knows how to have sex because it's a basic instinct, but making love is an art that you can learn and that's what this is all about; learning to release the sexpot inside you, learning to enjoy your sexuality and learning to please your lover. Remember, it all begins with the first step of loving and accepting yourself.

Amongst the other sex tips for women the final tip is to give your lover a full body massage by caressing all of his erogenous zones from head to toe.

After Marriage - 4 Surefire Ways to Kill the Passion in Your Relationship

By Richard Nicastro

Anyone in a marriage or a long-term relationship understands the challenges of keeping romance and passion alive. Candlelit dinners, gazing into each other's eyes, and the priority of talking and making love begin to buckle under the pressure of busy schedules, the demands of maintaining a household, the stresses of work, and for all those parents out there, the constant attention and energy children require.

Familiarity is a double-edged sword for most couples. Familiarity and repetitive routines can make you and your partner feel safe and comfortable with one another, but these same relationship staples can slowly cool the embers of passion.

For many, passion and novelty go hand-in-hand--new love is inherently passionate and sexually exciting. Just remember the level of passion you and your partner experienced early on in your relationship and you'll know what I'm talking about. But those spontaneous fireworks cannot last indefinitely-at some point deliberate attention and effort are needed to nurture this part of your relationship.

Are you contributing to a no-sex (or low-sex) marriage?

In addition to the natural erotic lulls that accompany long-term relationships, many couples are surprised to discover that they are doing things to contribute to a no-sex marriage. In particular, these couples espouse anti-erotic mindsets that make passion nearly impossible (and they might not even realize it!).

See if you or your partner hold any of the passion-annihilating mindsets listed below:

1. "Foreplay is a waste of time."

Some people are anti-foreplay. They'd rather jump right into sex, even if their partner isn't in the mood. Sure, some people like to start slow and their sexual arousal levels require a little attention and nurturance, but people who hold this particular mindset are probably convinced that they don't have the time or patience for foreplay. As a husband once said to me, "Doc, I work sixty-five hours a week. Foreplay isn't economical-it takes too much time and effort." Since when does foreplay have to be so time consuming? Even a "quickie" can include a little foreplay.

If you want to chase all lasting remnants of passion out of your relationship, forget the warm-up and embrace an anti-foreplay attitude. But if it's satisfying love-making that you're after, learn to embrace a pro-foreplay attitude.

2. "Passion shouldn't take planning"

You keep telling yourself that once the job stress vanishes or the kids grow up and leave for college, passion will magically find its way back into your relationship (so there's no reason to bother making the effort now). Part of this mindset includes the erroneous belief that passion should remain natural and spontaneous.

Most couples in a long-term relationship discover that great sex often results from sex that's planned (but they're not the ones reading an article on surefire ways to destroy passion). So, if you want to be sure the bed is used just for sleeping, throw away your daily planners and keep your fingers crossed that passion will find its way into your relationship.

3. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." (AKA: Don't disturb a good rut.)

Here's a really effective passion-drain: Resist any change or initiative that might add zest to your relationship; prepare the same meals, eat at the same restaurants, use the same exact script each time you make love, and for heaven's sake, never ever carve out alone time for you and your spouse.

As an added bonus, here are two passion-destroying beliefs that many couples end up endorsing. If you're stubbornly set on creating a relationship without any passion, you can repeat these statements each morning, but please only repeat them if you're totally serious about obliterating all signs of sexual energy from your relationship:

"Nothing will ever change, so why bother trying."


"We've been together for so many years, it's useless trying something different."

4. "Why bother touching each other if it isn't going to lead to sex?"

Touch (both sexual and nonsexual) can add a layer of sensuality to your relationship while making you and your partner feel closer to each other. However, making a commitment to touch each other more frequently isn't that straightforward. Here's just one unforeseen complication you might face:

You're watching television together while holding hands-sounds good, right? But what if you like to alternate channel-surfing hands? Within seconds things can get pretty convoluted and for some of you uncoordinated types, a little dangerous. Imagine your humiliation when you reach out to touch your partner but accidentally clip her in the side of the face with the remote. Or even worse, you put the remote down in order to hold hands and your spouse ends up gaining control of the remote! Keep your hands to yourself (for safety's sake).

There are many paths to a passionless relationship-the above passion--destroying mindsets are just a small sampling of how couples inadvertently chase the sex out of their relationships. There are also steps you can take to build a lasting and meaningful relationship, but some effort is needed. Are you ready to take this next step and create a meaningful relationship?

Would you like to receive free monthly tips and learn what other couples are doing to help build successful marriages and relationships?

Visit and sign up for Dr. Nicastro's FREE Relationship Toolbox Newsletter.

As a bonus, you will receive the popular free reports: "The four mindsets that can topple your relationship" and "Relationship self-defense: Control the way you argue before your arguments control you."

Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. is a psychologist and relationship coach who is passionate about helping couples protect the sanctuary of their relationship. Rich and his wife founded LifeTalk Coaching, an internet-based coaching business that helps couples strengthen their relationships.

Not Tonight Darling

By Racjman Eisa

Have you and your partner gone through one of those periods when the relationship, especially the sex, feel stale and in a rut? Yes, I am talking about dry spells here and they happen to even in the nicest home. They are among the best-kept secrets of long-term relationships, and they are nothing to worry about. At one time or another, everybody is not doing it and it is just that, nobody is talking about it. The occasional drought is simply a fact of married life and don't worry, this shall pass.

But do you ever feel that your current sex life is not as exciting as the sex lives of the people on TV and in the movies? Is the sex you are having disappointing, compared to the passion that you saw on the screen?

Should your sex live start to be boring and dull as ditch-water, you may want to consider the following remedies, tips from My Secret Love Making Strategy.

Satisfying Sex Life

To have a satisfying sex life, we have to think about sex in a completely different way that transcends both repression and obsession with all things sexual. The key to satisfying sex life is, knowing ourselves. This means seeing beyond cultural myths that damage and distort our sexuality, uncovering our authentic sexual desires, and developing the emotional and social skills we need to share our real selves with our partners and maximize our chances for a happy sex life.

Sustaining an enriching sexual life involves your partner. The ability to talk to them about your sexual desire and the ability to understand your partner's sexual self and their genuine sexual feelings. Each of us has a secret sexual self that is as unique as a fingerprint. Sexual desire can be colored by past experiences and an unmet emotional needs. Once we get beyond that code of silence and we open up to our partner, this will set us free to pursue a more rewarding and intimate sex life.

Changes of Scenery

You don't have to leave home to find them. I mean, just get out of the bedroom for a change. Of course you have to make sure that everybody else is out at that time. Changes of scenery can work wonders for those tired libidos. Try the children's playroom floor for a start. Yeah, make love and do your stuffs amidst those Barbie Dolls and X-Men figurines. I am sure they do not mind, and you can rest assure that they will keep their mouth shut after that.

Then there is the stairway - my personal favorite, or the kitchen. Do it on top of the washing machine for example. Switch on the machine while doing it, if you like, if that what gets you more excited. Try it on the table top too. Yeah, this may sound like something out of an adult movie scene, but believe me, this is just one lesson in love making, to making love last, for life.

Think of new places for your next "adventure". List them down. Try experiencing the excitement of doing it on different and unfamiliar surroundings? Just thinking of this will sure to get you all fired up.

Switch Roles

If you are usually the aggressor, change your behavior, switch roles and let your partner, usually your wife, become the aggressor for a change. If that is out of her character, ask her to play the shy, blushing virgin. Use appropriate props. Wear something different. I mean, put on different uniforms each time. You can be the doctor and she the nurse. You the criminal, she the warden, you the discipline master, she the troubled student, you the plumber and she the housewife in distress, so on and so on. Do a role-play. Give your alter ego a name and refer to that name often. Vary the script and keep surprising each other.

New Maneuvers

Another idea to surprise your partner, try some new maneuvers or exotic techniques.
Try a different variety of foreplay. Variety is necessary in love, so love is to be produced by means of variety. Get a book on sexual position if you could not think of any, other than the usual.

Here are some tips.

Use your hands, feet, hair or your whole body to touch your partner and tantalize each other with different textures - feathers, silk, fur and flowers. These are so many ways to touch your lover for an erotic awakening. The only limits are your imagination.

Try other sexual positions. The sitting positions for example are amongst the best energy sharing positions. They are ideal when you have built a high sexual charge and want to move less, but feel more. In most sitting positions there is less thrusting and less movement, with the exception of occasional, active rocking action. Face each other, make eye contact and hold each other tight. Your hands are free to stimulate your partner's breasts.

Previous Experience

Have a sexy conversation with your partner. Share your sexual fantasy you have most often or find most arousing. Bring up previous sexual encounters both of you found especially memorable, a sort of replay of your own greatest hits. Describe a scintillating sex scene from a movie, or read one aloud from a book. Conversational intimacy leads to physical intimacy, because it stimulates the primary sex organ - the brain. It is really amazing how arousing talking about sex can be.

Live A Healthy And Fulfilling Sex Lives

The key to a great sex life is not just about the various techniques that we do in bed or in the kitchen, but rather what is going on in our minds, often without our clear awareness, while we are engaged in sexual behavior. Imagine being in bed with the most attractive, gorgeous and sexually desirable person you know. If your mind does not cooperate - because of worries about work, because you are self-conscious about your body, the sex is not going to be great.

Sex is a whole lot more than intercourse. There is setting the scene, creating harmony of minds and hearts, arousing your senses and awakening your desire. It is the man's role to excite and stimulate his lady, to pay attention to her emotional state and make sure she is "overcome with love and desire" before you proceed to intercourse.

Far from being dangerous, sex is good for us, physically and emotionally. Feeling and acting sexual is not itself dangerous. For health reasons alone, it pays to invest time, energy and thought into having a satisfying sexual relationship. The health and psychological benefits you stand to gain make it well worth neglecting your housework, missing your favorite NBA game or foregoing the occasional poker game.

Learn the fascinating and unique approach to seduction that actually works. This rock-solid techniques explains how to attract, date and manage multiple relationships and conquer the most challenging, unavailable scores on earth.

How to Make Her Blast Into an Orgasm - Don't Even Think About Having Sex Before You Know This

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Why do you think that some men are good while others are average in bed? The difference simply comes from the technique one uses and most guys out there don't know the right technique which would enable them to satisfy any girl to the extreme and make her blast into an orgasm after orgasm. There are some mind blowing sexual techniques no one will ever share with you. Read on to discover what these techniques are and make your girl achieve a blasting orgasm fast.......

Thrust her in the right manner- The way you thrust her vagina will make the big difference when it comes to the matter of satisfying her in bed. This is where the true technique comes into play. You should thrust her in a way that it directly stimulates her G-spot. As you might be already aware that a girl has the ability to orgasm real fast if you effectively stimulate her G-spot. This spot is found two inches at the opening of her vagina right below her pubic bone. Therefore you must thrust in a way which would stimulate this part of her vagina the most.

Building anticipation- This is one technique which will help you become the ultimate sex god within no time. You see men want everything right now but when it comes to the matter of women they seem to enjoy it more when they are made to wait. They just love the suspense and they love it when anxiety is built. The same concept can be applied to sex and being great in bed. You see instead of directly getting into action you must tease her a bit and let the anticipation build. For example when you start foreplay try to kiss her but at the same time just rub your lips around her's and let her draw into you. The more you do this the more turned on she would be.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

How to Make a Girl Orgasm - Ragingly Powerful Techniques Which Will Make Her Beg For More & More

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Sex will always be great as long as the guy knows his job and the girl knows what she is suppose to do. But the sad fact is that most men out there don't know the right way of doing things due to which they leave their partners unsatisfied. There are some key factors which when used will make you the ultimate sex god women beg for. Read on to discover what these key factors are and achieve the desired results within minutes...

Locate her erogenous zones- These are the sensitive parts of her body which when stimulated would totally drive her wild with pleasure. She would be shivering with absolute ecstasy even before you realize it. These are the spots such as the back of her neck, Earlobes, inner thighs and parts across her belly area. Make sure you spend most of your time in stimulating these parts and you will see her being driven absolutely wild and would even orgasm in the process sometimes.

Use your fingers in the right way- A lot of guys don't use their fingers much and never stimulate her vagina. You see the reason why you should always give her finger stimulation before you get into intercourse is simply due to the fact that using your fingers would already provide her majority of the stimulation and it wouldn't be long before she reaches eventual climax. Therefore you wouldn't have to work too hard when you actually get into intercourse.

Wait till the absolute last second- Never insert your penis even when she seems ready. You should make her wait and let the anticipation and the passion build up. The more you make her wait and tease her the more turned on and passionate she would be. This will make her orgasm faster than you ever thought possible.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

How to Make a Girl Have Multiple Orgasms - Ragingly Powerful Techniques You Shouldn't Miss

By Pushpa Pal Singh

So what exactly are multiple orgasms? Well in simple terms multiple orgasms are such where a girl can experience orgasm after orgasm in a row. Now a lot of guys think that it's not easy to make a girl experience multiple orgasms but there are techniques using which you can make her blast into a multiple orgasm within minutes. Read on to discover what these techniques are and achieve earth shattering results.........

Build up high levels of sexual excitement- A girl should be emotionally excited before she can feel any level of physical excitement. You should build up sexual energy by creating the perfect atmosphere where she can reach the peak levels of excitement. This can be simply done by discussing her fantasies or making her feel good about herself in the sexual way.

Make her wait- Never do anything in haste. You should always make her wait for the real deal. You see what it does is that it gets her even more turned on and more aroused which would double the energy and she would find it extremely easy to orgasm.

Attack her G-spot- This is the real key behind making her achieve multiple orgasms. Once you effectively stimulate her G-spot there is absolutely no way that she would not achieve a multiple orgasm. The female G-spot is normally located two inches inside the opening of her vagina. It's a spongy tissue which gets bigger as her levels of arousal raises. It's best recommended to locate this spot using your finger and try to stimulate it as much as possible.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

3 Things Women Can't Stand in Bed - The Bad News is That Most Men Don't Even Realize This

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Nothing can be worse than being called a boring person in bed by your own partner. No woman wants to be around a cold man who does not know the perfect meaning of romance in bed and does not know how to satisfy a woman effectively. There a lot of mistakes men make in bed without even realizing that they are doing it. The very fact that they don't know what they are doing can ever cause a worse havoc. This is why you must know this. Read on to discover some of the most goofy mistakes men make in bed which women can not stand...

Talking while having sex- Now if you want to have a conversation then why get into bed with her in the first place. You see keep the things where they belong therefore you should not mix sex with general talks. Keep it to the dining table or when you spend leisure time with your partner. When in bed you must focus on one thing and one things only which is to satisfy her and at the same time have a lot of fun doing so.

Going too hard or too soft- Both extremes are disliked by women in bed. Women don't like it too hard and at the same time going too soft would just kill the passion. Therefore you must find a middle ground and try to give her the maximum pleasure possible. At the same time you should also not go too fast since that kills the passion as well.

Not experimenting with new things- Sex is all about creativity and how creative you can be. A lot of guys out there have a routine and they tend to stick to the routine every single time they have sex with their partner. This kills the passion after a certain point of time since sex becomes more or less monotonous. Therefore you should try to experiment with new things and do something creative.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

3 Earth Shattering Ways to Make a Woman Orgasm - Make Her Scream With Enormous Pleasure

By Pushpa Pal Singh

If a woman does not orgasm every time you have sex then she will never be satisfied in bed no matter what else you might do. It's is a commonly known fact that most women out there do not orgasm as fast as males do and this is the main reason why you should know how to make her climax every single time. There are some explosive keys using which can instantly make her orgasm. Read on to discover what these keys are and achieve mind blowing results........

The right timing- You should always have the timing right otherwise you will never see her orgasm. Always make sure that she is in the right frame of mind and the right mood otherwise her levels of arousal will never be up to the mark. One of the major reasons why a lot of women out there have a hard time climaxing is due to the fact that they are not in the right mood or frame of mind.

Push her legs back to her chest- This is one of the best possible ways to really make her orgasm real fast in bed. Pushing her legs back to her chest while thrusting her would make her vagina more shallow and would give her extra hard stimulation which would enable her to orgasm real fast.

Learn to last real long- This is the most important aspect of making her orgasm. A woman will never achieve an orgasm if you climax before her and leave her in the midst of it. You should train yourself to last longer in bed and one of the best possible ways to do this is to masturbate a few times before you get into bed with your partner.

An absolute must know for you- Do you want your ex back? Now listen carefully. There are a set of astonishingly powerful techniques which will get your ex begging you to date them again. These techniques are so strong that no matter how bad your situation was you are GUARANTEED to get your ex back. So...don't sit back and relax. These are the secrets you simply can not afford to miss at any cost- Tell Me The Secrets

3 Absolutely Crucial Things You Must Do to Make Her Orgasm - She'll Scream With Ultimate Pleasure

By Pushpa Pal Singh

A lot of guys always have a question in regards to what does it really take to make a woman orgasm fast in bed. You see there are some key factors most men either ignore or are simply not aware of. These key factors are so crucial that they might be the eventual determinant of whether the girl will orgasm or not. Read on to discover what these factors are and what you can do to make her orgasm fast...

Put in a lot of energy and drive- See there is a big difference between being good and being great in bed. A lot of guys out there move onto a girl's body as if they are doing something out of a routine. Unless you show some real energy she would not feel anything much and you might be able to get the desired outcome either. Therefore try to be highly energetic and try to have sex at the time when your and her energy levels are right up since that's the time when you will get maximum pleasure.

Be what she wants you to be- Nothing would turn a girl on faster than being what she fantasies about. It's always recommended to ask the girl what she normally fantasizes about and try to fit into that role. You see by becoming something she likes you are some what bringing her dream into reality which would truly drive her wild.

Lasting longer is always the key- If there was one thing which would make her orgasm every single time then it would be how long you can hold before you climax. As you might already know that females take longer to climax as compared to men therefore you must train yourself to last longer in bed otherwise you will always struggle to satisfy her in bed.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

Shocking Sex Truths - Your Sex Will Suck and She Will Leave You If You Don't Learn These Tips Now!

By Misty Ruttan

Did you ever feel off during sex, or that your partner just wasn't themself...? Have you ever had times even when you weren't into it, and you can't explain why; because after all you want to do it; but when it comes to the chase you just can't get your feet running? The thing is sex is actually mental as well- all the stimulation you get anyways starts in the mind, and is stimulated from the mind. All the right chemicals can be there for the attraction, however not for the action. Here is how you can have the most satisfying action caring for the most important organ- your brain!

Attitude Adjustment: Well- you need one. If you are feeling guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, or judgmental; you need to change how you feel. How can you have sex feeling guilty, it will definitely be less than it should then; your body responds to your emotions, and acts from there; so whatever your emotion is your body will be displaying that in other ways as well; even during sex. If you are distracted by other things, forget it as well- consider that sex doesn't take that long for the average person, so you can wait the 5 minutes to half an hour for the other things; there are 24 hours in a day... be in the moment when the moment is there, or you will always finding yourself feeling like it wasn't all that great- guess why? Because you missed the moment.

Communicate, even if you aren't Mr/Miss Social; you need to know what's going on with your partner and you- and not about life, about the sac. Know what he she likes, and what you like- make sure they know as well. Communication builds trust and many things, without communication there is no understanding- and confusion makes terrible sex and life. Don't be afraid to share your desires, and have them share as well; tell when you can, how and so forth. Don't be vague; after all you are going to have sex, so it's not like there is anything after that which could be embarrassing or exposing; especially in the sac.

Pride, well to deliver you have to believe you can. If you are finding you don't like some part of your body, your partner will sense that as well; and this can be anything that you may find sexual; or perceive as that... If you don't think your package is all that- just remember it's not how it looks, it's what it can do. Size is nothing if you are limp, and cannot perform.. Same for her- if she thinks this and that isn't the right size and so forth- everyone is unique- and that's actually the only thing that is normal- is to be unique. If you don't like your body you wont like the sex- if its that bad things can be done- if you are overweight, work out; if you are really thin; work out- however anything beyond that is just mental, and you need to be more proud of what you have and can offer, so that you feel great having sex as well.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret

How to Make Her Blast Into an Orgasm - Hot Secrets Which Will Make You the Ultimate Woman Pleaser!

By Misty Ruttan

The hardest task in sex is to make a woman orgasm; and most of the male population actually does not know how it is done, or where to begin. It's the number one problem in sexual life, because women do take longer to orgasm; and almost always the man gets the pleasure and the woman gets it never! This sparks arguments in other areas of the relationship and all around makes life miserable.

Arouse her with emotions, by talking to her about sexual things. Hinting to her isn't always enough; and just forcing yourself on her will turn her off completely. Approach her and ask her what she likes and dislikes in sex, and what she wants the most of here or there. Once she has started talking about it she will be mentally turned on, and will become in a mental mind frame to have an orgasm.

Trigger her sensual spots, many men don't know which parts are these, and they often confuse this for just her vaginal area. These parts are places like her neck, inner thighs, and especially lips, and her nipples (gently bite them). Stimulating these parts makes nerve connections to allow her to orgasm. The trick is to not leave out any parts; many men just go for the main part, and don't touch anywhere else.

The right position is the one which hits her G-spot. The missionary position (you on top of her) is the best position to stimulate; you need to go up in her, not back and forth; so any position in which she feels this part being stimulated, but also where you know you are getting that part is the best. If you are not hitting the G-spot during sex, she wills not orgasm, and you will have the same scenarios as before.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret

How to Give Her an Intense Orgasm Which She Will Never Forget! Shocking Tips on Making Her Climax

By Misty Ruttan

The bond you share between your girl and you may not be enough to achieve full sexual pleasure, although you are close in heart and so forth; there is a big mistake that you are probably making, which keeps her from climaxing to the fullest! Making her have an intense orgasm relates too many of the actions you wouldn't even notice till now:

Distance is very important actually; when having sex with her. Many men often back away, and come in from far, thinking that distance makes the difference, and they like to see themselves in action. However what they don't realize is that the closer they are to her the more she will feel, the faster and harder you can go as well. It's not about how it looks; in the end its about how it feels; you want to climax and have her orgasm strongly as well.

Stimulate the clitoris, by getting closer. Depending on the position, you can usually press the rest of your body against that part, as just below your stomach against her clitoris, and she will automatically be stimulated in two places; and feel better and better, and its far less work than to be using your hand. When you have less distance this part can be stimulated more and simultaneously with stimulating her G-spot.

If you were to watch the adult films, you see great distances between a man and women during sex; and you also almost every time see her stimulating her clitoris herself; this is because of the distance! Not everything is going in, the G-spot is being missed, as well as pleasure! The Clitoris then is what girls turn to, since its the part which was initially used to explore themselves before having sexual intercourse. So it is a part they have adapted to and depend upon for the best orgasm during real sex. So distance does matter, and being closer physically will allow her to be stimulated better for an orgasm.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret

Dreadful Mistakes Men Make During Sex - She Will Never Have Sex With You Again If You Miss This!

By Misty Ruttan

There are many things men do without realizing, aside from being lazy, which turn women off, without consciously realizing it. There are too many common sex mistakes that are made, however you want to utterly please your woman; and forgetting these main points will leave you out in the cold. So learn these tips before she leaves you:

Being too aggressive, to the point where you are ripping off her clothes, pushing her around, and thinking that she will love it. Men believe that women like a strong man, who is dominant in bed, however creating fear and overpowering in this way will make her completely turned off from sex with you. Women are gentle, and highly emotional, so when you approach her this way, she will see you as more of a monster than a sex god.

Having her do all the work; without you having to do a thing-! This can mean oral sex and you climax- whereas she has just experienced nothing. Foreplay is fine, but it has to be mutual, and sex is a thing between two people. She doesn't want to be used as your masturbation tool; she wants the pleasure just as much as you; and the minute you get lazy in bed she will want to move on and find a better beau who can take more control in bed.

Going out of the boundaries, and experimenting too much where she gets extremely uncomfortable. These are things in which she is obviously not alright with, forcing her to experiment to extremes; and doing actions which cause her more pain than pleasure, and make her turned off. Also always bringing it up, and making it an expectation of her to do the things, otherwise you will not is a major mistake before and during sex. She wants to get pleasure, and she has to be comfortable to get it.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret

Discover the Secrets to a Great Sex Life - Seductive Measures to Having Sensational Sexual Pleasure!

By Misty Ruttan

Great sex is something that almost everyone is looking for, but did you know that few actually achieve it. Some people feel it's the job of just one person- as in the woman becomes the doll; or the man gets what he wants inexplicably... However the keys to having a great life inside the bedroom will come naturally after reading further:

Desire, it's that initial passion and attraction and it fades... as do looks. You need to keep this up- there are many ways to get it going, and keep it up. More often than not desire is lost, because you start to spend time with your partner taking care of life and important things, and the sex life gets put in the back burner... this can be things from chores, to bills and to kids... often these things make your partner less appealing, because you learn to look at him/her in a more serious, and often times emotional manner that's not so attractive (such as angry)... getting desire back, requires leaving these things to do something out of the ordinary- number two will help you with this:

Adventure, don't be afraid to explore- with him/her trying new exciting things, and throwing your ideas out there... if they do just one position, try another, if you always wear the same things and same perfumes- try new ones, new places, and so forth. Don't be embarrassed to share fantasies or try new things; chances are your partner wants to try them as well. This can even include taking up dance classes and new things, that you can use later...if you are that creative...

Play, Foreplay, and the after "rest"... people always leave out the two. They go right into it, and then run off once they are done. This can be from falling asleep, to actually going out and away, getting up right after- and also from just not doing any foreplay before hand. Both men and women like it, so never be afraid to try it, since it actually increases your chances that the sex will be better and so forth; since they are stimulated before.

An Absolute must know for you- What You Are About to Discover is Something No One Will Ever Tell You About Women. Here's a "GREAT SECRET" which will help you to pickup any women without SAYING a word to them! Not a single word! And NO rejection either. This is the most controversial & shocking revelation of what women REALLY want in a man....You Simply Can not afford to miss this at any cost. Read on....- Tell Me The Secret

How to Make Her Multi-Orgasmic - Tips For Men Who Want to Be Incredible in Bed

By Mike Holton

Many men are average in the bedroom. Most women will go through life without being multi-orgasmic. Is that her fault? No, it's all your fault. Men here say that some women can't become multi-orgasmic. That's because women say it's impossible. I was just like you at one point. I didn't believe that it was possible and I was well below average in bed. Multi-orgasmic women were so far beyond my reality that I simply thought it could not happen in real life. Things changed when I was literally laughed out of the bedroom. I was deeply upset and insulted, and I blamed the woman for my flaws. However, in time I decided to make myself the best lover possible. I read lots, I practised lots and the results have led me to being habitually told that I'm incredible in the bedroom. Here are some of the most vital tips to making your woman multi-orgasmic...

Your presence is the most significant thing. You need to stop seeing your woman as a sexual object and mutual respect and trust needs to be earned. If you're able to do this then she'll listen to your commands. The most powerful two things you have to guide her are the power of your mind and the power of your voice. You also need to remove limiting beliefs. Women are far more sexual than men. Women also are naturally sexually submissive. If she isn't it's because you haven't taken control.

Now for some hints. Use your voice. Talk dirty to her and become comfortable with it. The hornier she gets the dirtier you should get.

Hit the g-spot. This is located 2 inches inside the front wall of the vagina. Find it by applying firm pressure. Tell her to relax and enjoy the sensations if she becomes tense. Also make sure that your penis is the best that it can be. For this I worked for years trying to find a solution, then I learned about biochemical penis health techniques which worked wonders for me.

Mike was terrible in bed until he worked very hard to improve. He worked on the physical and emotional sides of sex. Now he boasts a penis which is nearly 9 inches. He used to ensure that his penis makes women multi-orgasmic every time.

Help Her in Achieving a Female Orgasm - How You Can Blow Her Mind

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Relationship Sexuality - After-50 Sex!

By Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.

What have you heard about sexuality and aging? What images have these myths conjured up for you? If you are getting older (!), what are the ramifications for your own life and sexual pleasure?

Common myths include:
1. Increasing age brings about a decline in sexual desire and interest.
2. Older adults are not physically capable of engaging in sexual intercourse.

Comedians make jokes about "being over the hill". Stereotypes seem to abound. Isadore Rubin ("The 'Sexless Older Years'", 1976) reported that undergraduate students at Brandeis University participated in a study designed to measure attitudes toward the elderly. Among the items on the survey, respondents were asked to complete the sentence, "Sex for most old people . . ." The responses illustrated the most common views on the sexual experiences of the elderly. Responses included "negligible", "unimportant", and "past". The responses revealed a pronounced tendency for younger adults to either minimize or flat-out deny the importance of sexuality for older persons.

But what is the truth about this growing population and their interest in, and ability to enjoy, healthy sexuality?

The truth is: The world's population is aging. Persons over 60 currently comprise the fastest growing segment of the population internationally (American Association of Retired Persons, 1998). U.S. Census Bureau statistics (1999) show individuals over 65 years old accounted for 12.7% of the population in 1998; they project this to reach 16.5% by the year 2020.

When Seniors are asked, they reveal that they ARE retaining their interest in sex and continue to be actively involved in enjoying it. These results were validated in the following research studies:
a) survey of 254 men and women between the ages of 60 and 94 (Duke University's Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Busse & Maddox, 1985)
b) data collected from 800 healthy men and women aged 60 to 91 (Starr and Weiner, 1981)

So, what can you do? 3 steps to Healthy Sexuality ... at any age:

Step #1: You can actively choose to NOT adopt damaging stereotypes yourself.

Step #2: You can focus on GOOD Health ... and ways to create and maintain it.

Step #3: You can apply to yourself the aphorism, "You are only as old as you think!" and think yourself active and healthy ... without letting myths about aging program YOUR future!

I encourage you to use these steps over and over to maintain your own Healthy approach to Sexual interest and satisfaction.

And I invite you to learn more about how to enhance your relationship, and increase intimacy and satisfaction by visiting our blog at or Click Here. Join our list by entering your name and email address, or click on "RSS" to add yourself to our the RSS-feed -- you will be informed right away about new additions and information that can benefit your sexual enjoyment and your relationship! Get Practical Ideas & Tips that You can Use Right This Minute!

Presented by Dr. Marlene Shiple, the Sexuality Coach, & the SexualityCoachNetwork for Relationship Sexuality.

Relationship Sexuality - 7 Methods to Improve After-50 Sex!

By Marlene Shiple, Ph.D.

So, you are over 50 ... and have heard the myths and stereotypes about sexuality being unimportant and negligible for Seniors. What would you say if I were to tell you that -- like many stereotypes -- these myths have been proven to be incorrect?

The truth is that, when Seniors have been asked, they reveal that they ARE retaining their interest in sex and continue to be actively involved in enjoying it. These self-reports have proven true when scrutinized in research studies.

So, if you are over 50 and would like to improve your sexual relationship, here are 7 Methods for you and your partner to use to do so:

a. Method 1 -- Fantasize: Think about Delightful Sex with Your Partner frequently during the day

b. Method 2 -- Phone Intimacy: Call your partner and compliment her/him sexually

c. Method 3 -- Plan Time Together: Take time specifically to spend with your partner -- schedule this time together

d. Method 4 -- Plan Intimacy Time: Plan plenty of time to pleasure one another and to talk intimately as a part of foreplay

e. Method 5 -- Talk Sexually with Your Partner: Share with your partner what you would like to enjoy together

f. Method 6 -- Listen to Your Partner's Sexual Talk: Encourage your partner to share with you what s/he would like to enjoy with you

g. Method 7 -- Acceptance and Enjoyment: Accept whatever you experience together as delightful. Go deeply into your joint experience -- and feel it strongly

No matter what your age -- whether you are over 50 or under 50 -- I encourage you to use these methods over and over to enhance and strengthen the satisfaction and enjoyment of your relationship sexuality.

And I invite you to learn more about how to enhance your relationship, and increase intimacy and satisfaction by visiting our blog at or Click Here. Join our list by entering your name and email address, or click on "RSS" to add yourself to our the RSS-feed -- you will be informed right away about new additions and information that can benefit your sexual enjoyment and your relationship! Get Practical Ideas & Tips that You can Use Right This Minute!

Presented by Dr. Marlene Shiple, the Sexuality Coach, & the SexualityCoachNetwork for Relationship Sexuality.

Problems in Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With P

By Levi Reiss

Whether heterosexual, homosexual, or somewhere in the middle we all want to improve our sex life. Who wants to be alone? We can't offer you an article, magic pill, perfume, potion, or pick-up line that will automatically send you and your intended partner to the bedroom. However, I really do believe that you can perk up your sex life whoever you are. We present a double series of articles for the letter P.

This article focuses on the problems and pitfalls that prevent you from improving your sex life. Another series focuses on what you should be doing. Both our "negative" and "positive" suggestions will help you get what you want. Here we examine phony, plastered, and procrastination.

P is for phony. Who wants to call someone who is phony? Actually there are lots of things that you can call such people. I remember a place we used to go when we were still in short pants so to speak. The place was so phony that even the phoneys said it was phony. Yet we went there. The joint eventually shut down. Maybe they couldn't pay their phone bill. Remember, if you are giving yourself an image other than the real you, you're going to have to work real hard to keep up the pretense. To tell the truth, it's so much easier to tell the truth. Even if once in a while it sounds phony.

P is for plastered. Don't get plastered either at a party or a one or two-person event. There is something very unattractive about someone who has lost their control. I remember a Christmas party where I, a relatively new hire, finally got the chance to meet the president of the firm. The sun had not yet set and he was in his cups, babbling from all the Whiskey (or was it Whisky) that he polished off that afternoon. It wasn't a pretty sight. In fact he couldn't even leave the premises on his own power. He kept saying over and over again how great his employees were. He was really plastered. I still remember his name. But I won't write it here. I'm not that plastered.

P is for procrastination. Why put it off? Especially when you want to put it in. Or get it put in. By procrastinating you are running the risk that someone may get there first, might take the place that could be yours. And if the answer is going to be no, isn't it better to know now so that you can strut your stuff elsewhere. An immediate no (don't be a fool and ask in such a way that a no is virtually inevitable) frees you to take your offer elsewhere. I was going to say more about procrastination, and will do so soon. Probably.

Are you tired of all this negativity? Take a look at our companion series that accentuates the positive.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at

NASA Sex in Space Program - Its Rise and Fall

By Julie-Ann Amos

For years, astronauts have travelled into space to observe the effects of weightlessness on the many aspects of human physiology. From muscle mass to general health, astronauts have researched the ways that weightlessness can affect the human body. As methods of space travel become more refined, more journeys into space become a certainty, and astronauts need to know what to expect. With each test, they learn how the body adapts to the unique weightless environment of space. Recent studies, however, have had a new focus. They have been studying sex.

Sexual Pleasures In Space

Astronauts set out to observe the effects of weightlessness on the experience of sexual pleasures. They called it the "Sex in Space" program. The scholarly exploits of astronauts were bound to extend to this fundamental aspect of human life sooner or later. It was only logical. Wherever you have people you are going to have sexual activity, and sending individuals into space brings this all too important issue into space along with them. The study of carnal pleasures as they are affected by space travel is long overdue. Considering the instrumental role that such pleasures play in the human condition, it is surprising that the studies have only taken place recently.

Sex And Science

Sex may seem to be a topic too taboo for an official mission. It almost feels a little naughty. The level of political correctness required in this day and age comes close to forbidding the commingling of sex and science. At best the meeting of sex and science conjures images of a relationship counsellor helping to bring the spark back into a waning marriage. At worst, it calls forth such pop culture terms as sexpert and sexologist, tongue-in-cheek references to experts in the field of sexual relations. These terms often steer the mind more toward adult entertainment than they do science. Still, these astronauts are trained professionals, and, as longer missions become more commonplace, astronauts will be bringing their physical needs with them into space. They cannot be expected to leave their sexuality behind.

No More Sex In Space?

Unfortunately, NASA's recent "Sex in Space" program, as it was so appropriately titled, was cancelled. The weightlessness had unforeseen hormonal effects on members of the ship's crew. The weightless environment increased their sensuality which had further consequences. It turns out that the male members of the crew experienced a shift in hormones which lead to several confrontations between them. The two female crew members, however, were not involved in the altercations.

NASA's "Sex in Space" program sounds more like a comedy sketch than serious scientific research, but it had a noble goal of understanding sexuality in space. As the science of space travel inches towards the technology that will create easier and more accessible space flights, the possibility of heading skyward takes tiny steps toward becoming a reality for the masses. There is only so much room here on earth so someday there will be no choice but to look to the stars.

Julie-Ann Amos is a professional writer and business consultant. She has over 14 books published in many countries. She runs Exquisite Writing, a large freelance writing agency that produces a wide variety of articles, web pages, website contents, books and ebooks for an international client base. Topic experts available for a wide range of subject areas.

How to Make Sure That She Orgasms With You Every Time

By Johnny Sweet

The power in relationships has shifted from what it was 50 years ago. In those days a woman was the house-keeper, the man the bread-winner. As we're all aware there has been a huge shift in the power of women in recent times. This includes relationships. Whereas before a couple got married and divorce wasn't an option, in these times women will leave men with a snap of their fingers if a man lets her down. This is especially true if the sex that you offer her is below the standard that she expects or deserves. In this article you're going to learn exactly how to give her the mind-blowing orgasms that she craves.

There are a few ways to make certain that your partner orgasms every time you're together and the process is a simple one. In the first instance you could give her orgasms by using your fingers. While this may not appeal to you as you read it consider the possibility of clitoral and g-spot orgasms happening at the same time. As you are probably aware, this is considered to be a multiple orgasm. Now you've probably straightened up in your seat a little it's time to learn how to do this...

Finding the g-spot.

This is far simpler than many would have you believe. First of all you should insert your two middle fingers and move them in a circular motion. If you do this quite firmly then you will hit the g-spot. Remember to slide your fingers in palm-up. The g-spot is located on the front wall of the vagina. As you read her body-language you will know when you've hit this pleasure spot. Then be more specific with your movements until your fingers are hitting only her g-spot.

Then with your other hand you can rub her clitoris. Do this softly and in circular motions. If you think she is close with the clitoris then slow that right down until she starts to reach orgasm with the g-spot. When she is on the edge with both then go faster and let her enjoy an explosive orgasm.

Get good at cunnilingus.

Using your tongue well is an excellent way of bringing her to orgasm. It is easy too. Read her body language, lick her whole vagina lightly then build up the pressure. Use the flat part of your tongue as it's softer than the tip. Circular motions are the basis of any good oral. However, do mix it up.

Giving her g-spot orgasms with your penis

This is the Mecca of all sexual skills. For this you need a big, strong penis. I never used to have one until I looked into natural penis enlargement techniques. Now I can happily say that I always make her orgasm very easily using my penis. It used to be 3 inches, and now it's nearly 9.

Johnny Sweet has become one of the internet's leading authorities on sexual enhancement and penis enlargement, he recommends

5 Surefire Methods of Delaying Ejaculation

By John Phillips

Guys, are you finding that you are reaching orgasm much faster than her? Here are a couple of tips to help you control how fast you reach ejaculation during sex. She will appreciate you for it!

  1. Practice controlling the point when you ejaculate while masturbating. When you feel close to the point of no return, try stopping for a 10 count, then start slowly again. Learn to find your timing. This can be carried over to delaying orgasm during intercourse.
  2. Once you start getting the idea of the previous tip, practice it during intercourse. When you feel yourself near the brink, slow down or stop. Switch your concentration to another part of her body, concentrate on her breasts for instance. Grab a vibrator and keep her going by concentrating on her clitoris. When you feel less on the edge of an orgasm, you can continue with intercourse, but start out slowly again.
  3. Change positions. The interruption will help you slow down and switch your focus away from your genitals for a short while.
  4. Think of unpleasant or weird thoughts, take your mind off the task at hand. Try thinking of your boss, or the news.
  5. Wear a condom with sensation duller. These will slightly numb your penis, allowing you to keep from ejaculating too soon.

Stopping and starting intercourse will delay an orgasm, and when it does happen, it will be greatly intensified. Do these exercises and tips and you will be able to control when you ejaculate, a great step on the path to mutual orgasm.

John Phillips is owner of

For a free book containing tips and ideas on keeping romance alive in your marriage or relationship, go to: 101 Romantic Ideas

Sex Stories - Tips For a Great Swinging Couples Party

By Jamie James

You're no stranger to block parties and birthdays, but now you're looking to throw a party with a little more of an adult theme? For wild couples, swing parties can be fun for an anniversary or special birthday, or they can be great events for you to organize regularly. So what do you have to consider? As in all sex stories, what's important are the fundamentals:

Where to Have your Party

  • Your own home is your best bet for your party as a new host. You might be tempted to hold a party outside in warm weather- lots of space, beautiful scenery and easy cleanup. But this isn't wise unless you live VERY far away from your neighbors.
  • You may think a high fence or tall trees provide privacy, but even if your neighbors can't see you, they can still hear you! This can result in a complaint and an unfortunate police visit.
  • Attempts to hide your party attendees' sounds with loud music won't work. Those bright colorful lights you'll see aren't festive decorations, but police cars out front.
  • All this considered, it's best to keep the action inside when you start out. If you're a real beginner, you'll also want to attend a few swing parties before trying to host your own.
  • Sometimes people consider hosting as an easy way to make some money, but like most plans for fast money, it's not as simple as it looks. It's important to plan your parties well, and you're not hosting a spectator sport. In order to get along with your guests and have a good party, you should be into swinging yourself.

The Guest List

  • In the beginning you should invite people you know from other swingers' parties and groups. You'll want to get more comfortable with hosting and more familiar with swinging before you let strangers show up.
  • Saturday night's alright for swinging- people tend to be too tired to get into it at the end of the week on Friday. It's a good idea to start promoting your party about a month in advance, and encourage people to bring people they actually know, but not friends of friends.
  • Make this rule very clear: couples only!! Single men often try to crash to take advantage of what they imagine is just one big orgy- that's not what this is about. Single men or women can cause jealousies and complications. Limiting your guest list to couples allows everyone to relax and enjoy themselves.

What to Serve your Guests

  • It's illegal to sell alcohol without a liquor license so you can't charge for alcohol or you could be arrested. Instead, charge a fee per couple to attend and give away the food and liquor. $30 per couple is a standard charge, or you can charge a smaller fee and make it BYOB.
  • One of the first things you should establish is how many couples you can accommodate, depending on space, your comfort, and the energy you want your party to have. You can overbook by 50% because a lot of people may not show up.
  • Require that people RSVP by e-mail. This way, you'll have the e-mails of all the people who are attending so you can send them the time, date and location of the party, along with rules and any fun details of a theme if you're having one (these are common at swing parties.)

Speaking of Rules...

  • You should say up front whether you'll allow smoking and any kind of cameras/documentation. These can make some guests uncomfortable, so they should know what they're getting into.
  • Make it clear that the party is supposed to be fun and safe for everyone, and you won't tolerate drunkenness or fighting.
  • Also, all activities will be completely consensual and no one will have to participate in anything they aren't comfortable with.

Use these simple guidelines and you'll have your guests coming again and again!

Jamie is the guardian angel of all those who come to her dating review site to see fun, revealing blurbs of all the most popular relationship dating sites out there. She also talks about sexuality and hosts the popular "Ask A Hottie" videos on her site where men find out what hotties are really thinking. Jamie invites everyone to stop by and pick up one of her hot FREE special reports - the latest one is called The Art of Kissing and, take it from us, wear oven mitts when you pick this one up.

How to Satisfy a Woman in Bed - Part 1

By Franklin D Pierce

Remember the old joke: "how do you make a woman have an orgasm?" Answer: "who cares?" Well it's just that: a joke. If you value having sex, you'd better know how to make a woman have an orgasm, otherwise you'll be fondling your own foreskin for the rest of your life. If you can't satisfy a woman in bed, it's only a matter of time before you overhear her laughing about your sexual performance with her friends and she starts looking elsewhere for satisfaction.

Sexually satisfying a woman starts well before you get near the bedroom. In order to satisfy a woman, you need to begin by romancing and seducing her hours, days, or perhaps even weeks prior to sex. You can't just grab her from the kitchen, order her on to the bed, climb on top of her and shout 'Brace yourself' and expect her to be satisfied. You need to think Don Juan; think romance; think seduction. Sure it requires extra effort on your part, but the extra effort will supply you with awesome sexual experiences. When you satisfy a woman in the bedroom, she is much more affectionate, loyal, and loving outside of the bedroom. A satisfied woman makes a satisfied man. Here's an idea to get you started.

1. Anticipation

There's something about anticipation that drives a woman wild. They love this sort of teasing.

Try this. Next time your woman comes home from work, leave a note on the door. In the note, tell her you've been thinking of her all day. Tell her that you think she is the sexiest and most beautiful woman in the world. Tell her that you appreciate how hard she works, and that tonight is all about her just relaxing. Tell her a surprise is waiting for her upstairs. (By the way, if you have kids, drop them off at your parent's house before she gets home. Or if you've been letting your college buddy sleep on your couch because his wife kicked him out of his house last month, kick him out before your wife comes home.)

When she walks through the front door after reading the note, she hears soft music playing. She sees candlelight throughout the clean house. Yes, I snuck in 'clean house' on you. As crazy as it sounds to men, a clean house can actually prepares a woman for romance. Most women attach their self-esteem to how they take care of their home. You've also just relieved much of her stress and given her reason to relax. She no longer has to worry about cleaning the house later, in addition to all of the other things on her plate.

She walks further in to the house and smells the perfumed aroma from the candles. (Notice how you're appealing to all of her senses: kinetically from reading the note; visually from seeing the candles and the clean house; aromatically from smelling the candles). She makes her way to the bedroom where she finds you sitting in a chair reading. Nearby, there's a small table with two place settings. You greet her with a warm hug and gentle kiss, and welcome her home. You are wearing nice clothes, are freshly shaved, have your hair combed, and are wearing her favorite cologne. The table is elegantly displayed with a white table cloth, nice dishes, and a bottle of wine. You lift up the lids on the plates to reveal her favorite meal. She's wondering what in the world has come over you. You should stand close to her at this point because she's liable to faint. After all, prior to tonight, your idea of romance was taking her deer hunting on your honeymoon.

You invite her to sit down by pulling out her chair and helping her in to her seat. You spend the next hour or so reminiscing about the day you met, the trips you shared, some of your memorably love-making experiences, and how you love her more today than the day you met.

After dinner, you walk her in to the bathroom where she sees a hot bubble bath, surrounded by candles. There is a glass of wine, and a romantic novel sitting next to the tub, along with a fluffy towel and her bath robe. Soft music is playing in the background.

She may try to get you to join her in the tub, but you politely refuse. You tell her you want her to just relax, and that you have some reading to do. You give the impression that you are not interested in sex, you just want her to have some time relaxing by herself. While she is in the bath, you refill her wine. You tell her that after her bath, you have another surprise for her. While she is relaxing in her hot bath, sipping her wine, she'll be wondering what the surprise could possibly be.

While she is in the tub, you clean up all of the dishes and the kitchen. Then you recline in the bedroom, reading a book while she soaks in the tub.

When she gets out of the tub, you tell her to go lay down on her stomach on the bed. The bedroom is dim with candlelight and romantic music is playing in the background. You very slowly and gently start massaging her. You start with her feet and you gradually work your way up her body. You resist the temptation to touch her sexually at this point, so you carefully avoid her butt and her breasts. Before long, after several more minutes of massing and caressing her, she will likely try and rip your clothes off to have you.

Congratulations, you're well on your way to completely satisfying your woman. Sure, this is a lot of trouble to go through for a night of sex. But it's not just one night. You'll be building an intimacy with her that will translate in to many nights of incredible sex. She'll be talking about this night for days to come. She'll be thinking about it and telling all of her friends about it. She'll be the envy of every woman she knows. How do you think that's going to make her feel.

Here's another way to look at this from a man's perspective. Most of us have got where we are by hard work. We believe that if we work hard, and smart, we will enjoy success. We also believe hard work builds character. We preach about it to our sons. We also believe that when we exercise, there's no gain without some pain. We believe in order to show muscular gains, we need to put in the hard work necessary to make those gains.

It's the same thing with sex. If we don't put in the work, we don't get the payoff. In order to get great sexual gains in our lives, you need to work hard at it. It's not always going to be fun to do that work, but the payoff is going to be a great sexual life.

This is just one approach to building anticipation in the mind of your woman. You can get the same result many different ways. Use your imagination.

Franklin Pierce is Editor and Publisher of Real Man Magazine. Subscribe for FREE right now. No strings, no catches, not bull. Simply sign up and its delivered directly to you twice a month. Real Man Magazine - The world's most popular men's magazine for the man's man. Women, sports, humor, advice, and much more. WARNING! Contains politically incorrect material. Not for girlie men or the easily offended. May cause hair growth, increased testosterone, and spontaneous attacks by aroused women. Read at your own risk! ฉ2008 Real Man Magazine

Sex and Disability - They Are Not Mutually Exclusive

By Francis K Githinji

You ask about sex for the disabled and many people will wonder what you are talking about. The society believe that it is an impossibility for the disabled to have sex. This is a misconception because sex is not all about penetration. You can have great sex even without involving the genitals. Meaning that the physically handicapped can enjoy sex too. Research carried out concerning sex and disability shows that 50% of the disabled people with spinal cord injuries experience orgasm. The areas of the body that are hypersensitive if sexually stimulated lead to intense sexual arousal which climaxes to orgasm. Most people assume that people with any spinal cord injuries can never find a dating relationship. They make a verdict that they have no romantic life or love stories.

It does not seem abnormal when a partner leaves the disabled person after the accident. It is like we all expect it. We do not see how sex and disability can go together. It is has been proved that the divorce rates influenced by disability are slightly higher than common divorces. Most people have found lovers while still on their wheel chairs and started beautiful families. Always remember that the disability does not directly imply inability to sexually please your lover or to be pleased. Identify the parts which are not affected by spinal injury. It is also important to note that you can lose sensation but you can never lose feeling and emotions. The genitals of a disabled person might not function but he/she feels the desire to perform despite the inability.

A disabled person can still enjoy closeness and intimacy. The physical changes associated with sex and disability depends on the cause. If the disability was caused by spinal cord or any other neurological lesion, both men and women might experience increased or decreased sensitivity in their genitals. For women, vaginal dryness becomes a problem and for men they experience erection and ejaculation problems. As a result of destruction of the spinal cord, the adductor thigh muscles might feel difficult to separate. The indwelling catheter might be responsible for decreased sexual desire. As a result of the circumstances surrounding disability, the victims feel weak, experience breathing problems and also general fatigue. These are some of the inhibiting factors which makes sex to feel different after disability.

People with disabilities go through a lot of psychological problems due to the sudden change of events especially if they were not born disabled. It is hard to accept the fact that you can only move with a wheel chair while you used to move with your own legs with no problem. Sex and disability is a topic entirely based on psychological factors. The victims go through depression, stress, anxiety and feeling of helplessness. These feelings can weigh down the moods of a disabled person to an extent of making him lose interest in sex. With therapy and family help the victims can be able to overcome the psychological barriers and enjoy their sex life.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Overcome Loneliness Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Overcome Loneliness

How to Enhance Love Making For Disabled

By Francis K Githinji

Men are among the few animals that enjoy sex. They do it for pleasure. For a man to feel fulfilled in life they have got to have wonderful sex lives. This does not leave out the disabled. Though it is hard for them to regain their sensation, there are techniques that can help them to live almost normal romantic lives. These people can easily find out what works for them. Even if some are non-intercourse techniques, they help greatly. There is touching, kissing, oral genital stimulation or fondling. If you are disabled you should take time to learn what works for you sexually. The exercises advocated are more focused to emphasize intimacy and non-intercourse pleasure. They are not performance or orgasm oriented. To enhance love making for disabled, partners should communicate openly and always be ready to experiment a wide range of touching pleasures that many able-bodied people have not yet discovered.

As a disabled person, you have a right to live and live greatly. Do not feel intimidated. Always engage in sexual practices that your body can allow. Help yourself into less exhaustive positions by the use of pillows, cushions or anything that can support you to reach the erotic sensitive areas. One of the physical effects of neurological accidents is vaginal dryness. To enhance love making for disabled, use water-soluble lubricants. Never use petroleum jelly as it can cause dangerous infections. Do not mind to leave the catheter during sexual intercourse. If there is reduced sensation in the genitals, a vibrator can be used for better results. To deal with exhaustion and body fatigue, choose the times of the day when your energy is rejuvenated to engage in sex.

The disabled sometimes experience pain syndromes which decrease their sexual interest. You can visit a good urologist to advice you accordingly. There are good medications to control the pain and prostheses and exercises to help in penile erection. Disabled people who have problems with using their arms and legs can also enhance love making for disabled. They can learn to use their toes, mouth and tongue to give pleasure to their partners. It is very important for the affected couples to spare some ample time together to share their inner sexual urges and desires. It is very possible to achieve sexual satisfaction with little or no physical contact if you are dedicated to your intimacy as a couple.

You might be getting very good therapy sessions from health care practitioners but they are not usually trained to help you with any advice concerning sex. That is why it is important to be your own advocate. A sex therapist can see you through all these difficulties. Learn about birth control methods, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. This is accepting the reality and looking at the positive side of life. You can express sexual feelings in different but more exciting ways. Sexual pleasure adds quality of life to the handicapped and that is why it is important to learn about enhancing love making for disabled.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Love making For Disabled Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Love making For Disabled