Sexuality Tips For You.

August 19, 2008

Sexual Healing

By Vinod Karan Singh

'Sex Glow and it shows'. A very few people know that intimate relationship have direct affect on the individual's health. As a matter of fact, sex does leave its mark, not only on the mind but on the body as a whole. The body language experts are quite able to tell you the tale of steamy session you had last night, although this is a different story altogether. Coming back to the point, a number of changes occurs along with other chemical and metabolic reactions that take place in the body during and after sex. Termed as sexual healing, researchers have explored the affect of sex on almost every part of the body, from brain to the heart to the defense mechanism and the results are quite similar as per what had been expected.

Scientific explanation
It's been scientifically proved that arousal and an active sex life may result in a long life, healthy heart, increased ability to defend pain, stronger immune system and even protection against certain cancers, not to forget lower rates of depression as well. If there is anger, resentment, fear, jealousy or grief between lovers or feelings of sexual inadequacy, the genitals, uterus, ovaries, prostate gland, or testes may be directly affected. The benefits of sexual healing is not an easy task to tell but thanks to a better understanding of the biochemistry of arousal, as well as advances in imaging techniques, doctors are closing in on some possibilities. "Finding mechanisms for these benefits and proving cause and effect of sexual healing is rather difficult. The associations are out there, so there has to be an explanation for it," says Dr. Ronald Glaser, Director of the Institute of Behavioral Medicine Research at Ohio State University. Let's have a look at some of the magical effect of sex.

Sex for glowing skin
Studies show that when a woman is involved in sexual intercourse, the outcome is a beautiful skin. And the logical explanation is; when a woman makes love, her body produces more estrogen. Estrogen is a female sex hormone. It helps to keep the body smooth. In addition to this, the sweat produced during the act makes the skin glowing and shiny.

Pain relieving quality
Sex is a natural analgesic. It can be useful in relieving some kind of aches and pain like headaches. Perhaps, it will be sensible to offer your sexual partner with some dose of sexual healing when he or she complains of headache. Fever, body ache, hair loss, dandruff are few problems which can be healed by the affect of sex as well.

Sex is a Tranquilizer
Sex is a good tranquilizer. A tranquilizer is a drug that promotes tranquility by calming, soothing, quieting, or pacifying with minimal sedating or depressant effects. When you are upset, depressed, facing mood swings and lonely or under stress, sex can act as the right medication.

Improves Blood Circulation
Sexual arousal may increase the heart rate. This in turn improves the circulation of blood to different parts of the body.

Sex as an exercise
Sex is a good and safe exercise, which an individual can do to stay fit. It also helps to burn excess calories of fats that accumulate in our body, especially after having a heavy meal. The act of intercourse burns about 200 calories, the equivalent of running vigorously for 30 minutes.

Healthy heart
During orgasm, both heart rate and blood pressure normally tends to double due to the influence of oxytocin. Sex has been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease as well as protecting the heart muscle after an attack. That is why doctors believe that sex after a heart attack is relatively safe.

Oxytocin is the hormone which primarily secrete during the intercourse and is responsible for all the positive effects of sex. It is a natural healer of wounds and injuries. The overall assumption of sexual healing revolves around oxytocin. Studies show that married men tend to live longer and suffer less depression than singles do [ Is it ;) ] and enjoy healthy lifestyle. This is mainly due to increased indulgence in the sexual act. Another study show that those who masturbate appeared to experience less depression than those who did not; in addition frequent sexual activity has been tied to lower risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Moreover, sexual Healing shares the principles and skills you need to restore your sacred inner space and move forward in your life with greater presence, focus, and passion. Explore the magical world of sex and sexual healing!

How to Regain Your Sex Drive While on Anti Depressants

By Tristan Bailey

Although many people feel that anti depressants are the only solution for depression, they often forget that they can have a negative impact on their sex drive. When this happens it can put a massive strain on a relationship and cause problems so its important to find a way to boost your libido and regain your sex life.

One of the problems that many people face when taking anti depressants is a significant reduction in their sex drive to the point where they no longer desire sex at all. The situation can be so bad that they no longer feel attracted to the opposite sex and have no desire for any intimacy with their partner.

This can have a dramatic impact on a relationship and will often end in a break up if the problem is not resolved as quickly as possible. If love and intimacy is suddenly lost from a relationship and no longer desired by one person it can be very hurtful to the other person who still wants it as they will feel rejected and unwanted by their partner.

Its common for couples who are experiencing this situation to consult their doctor for a solution and a way to overcome this problem. But doctors are simply unaware of any supplements that can solve this problem and so they can't recommend anything, but that doesn't mean that there isn't an effective solution.

If you are taking anti depressants and no longer desire sex with your partner and you want to find a solution, you will be pleased to know that you can regain your sex drive. There are now many different natural herbal supplements available that you can use to boost your libido without having to stop taking your anti depressants.

These herbal supplements are designed to not only increase your sex drive but also improve your performance and stamina so that intercourse with your partner will be more passionate and will last longer. Having an active and fulfilling sex life with your partner will increase the bond you have for one another and will strengthen your relationship.

So if you are taking anti depressants and you want to boost your libido and enjoy a healthy sex life with your partner you should seriously consider trying a natural herbal supplement. It could be the solution that you need to save your relationship and regain the love and intimacy you once had for each other.

To find out more about sexual enhancers just go here:


Analyzing the Love-Sex Chemistry

By Suzanne Macguire

Love and sex are sides of the same coin. Sex without love is lust while love without sex is mere devotion or just an emotional attachment. Long lasting relationships are laid on the foundation of a healthy balance between love and sex. Things like trust, tolerance, ability to compromise, and be committed against all odds are some of the requisites for a lasting relationship.

Different people face different psychological challenges in their relationship. Some try to resolve their dilemmas on their own while the rest seek advice either from their friends or mentors. There is no end to love dilemmas- they are either trivial or grave. However, to the lovers, all dilemmas seem equally grave. Let's analyze some of the problems that lovers face most often.

Lack of trust on either side is the major problem creator in a relationship. Women chiefly succumb to unnecessary suspicion resulting in an eventual break up with their partners. On the other hand, men hate being nagged randomly. However, this does not mean that men can take their partners for granted. The best thing a couple can do is to allow equal space to each other; confide in their darkest secrets, and try to figure out mutual problems.

It's very important for couples to know each other. No two persons are alike and hence one must respect each other's identity. One should not try to make an argument out of insignificant things. However, if arguments take place, make sure that you attempt reconciliation. Showing that 'you care' is one of the best kept secrets in a loving relationship.

Notwithstanding the above-mentioned issues, there crops up some intimate problems, which demand more attention and perhaps even professional support. Many partners shy away from the most wonderful gift of God to mankind- sex. Sexual encounter is an inevitable aspect of conjugal life and trying to remain celibate post marriage is quite illogical. Failure as an ideal sex partner might be another trouble in your sex life. A situation might arise wherein your passion has lost its erstwhile spark or you have been unable to light a single spark in the first night itself! Dissatisfaction in a relationship often calls for extra-marital affairs or adultery. The result- more trouble, more pain.

These love pangs can best be sorted with the help of professional sex experts or 'sexperts'. The sexpert can guide you to tackle your love challenges wittingly. With their guidance and support, you can actually sail smoothly over the intermittent waves of love and sex.

Suzanne Macguire is an expert writer with keen interest in human psychology, love, and relationship. Her recent articles cover a lot of information of online love training.

Woman's Greatest Sex Fears They Don't Want Men to Know - You Should Not Miss This at Any Cost

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Every female out there expects her man to do all the right things in bed but this is not the case in reality. Several men out there make a lot of sexual mistakes in bed on a regular basis due to which they are not able to satisfy women in the right way. This is the major reason why you must know this before it's too late for you. Read on to discover what these mistakes are and what you can do about it.........

Not spending enough time on foreplay- Now this is one of the biggest fears a lot of women out there tend to have. See when it comes to females they need to be turned on completely before they would get into intercourse. Not turning her on effectively would mean she would not experience peak pleasure and at the same time she might not orgasm at all.

Not listening to her- This is another big fear a lot of women have in bed. They want to be heard and they want their desires to be fed. You see you simply can not do what you want to do in bed and not consider her own needs. You see this is the reason why it's always good to give the woman some control in bed and let her do what she wants to do and take turns.

Not lasting long enough- Now not only is this a fear for most women but it also frustrates them to the extreme. It's a commonly known fact that women need more stimulation before they achieve an orgasm as compared to men. It's a very common complaint by a lot of women that men are just not able to last long enough for them to achieve an orgasm. The best possible way to last longer is to masturbate several times before having sex.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know. This is something you can't afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me The Secrets

Problems in Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With J

By Levi Reiss

Whether heterosexual, homosexual, or somewhere in the middle we all want to improve our sex life. Who wants to be alone? We can't offer you an article, magic pill, perfume, potion, or pick-up line that will automatically send you and your intended partner to the bedroom. However, I really do believe that you can perk up your sex life whoever you are.

This article focuses on the problems and pitfalls that prevent you from improving your sex life. Another series focuses on what you should be doing. Both our "negative" and "positive" suggestions will help you get what you want. Here we look at jail, jarring, and jealous.

J is for jail. This is real serious stuff. There are things that you can go to jail for, and there are things that you really should go to jail for. I'm not going to list either list here; I don't want to give you any ideas. Jail is no fun. And the sex is jail is no fun, at least not for most people. When you think about it, there are so many ways you and your partner can enjoy yourselves without jail or anything like it. Now if you do go to jail you may want to spend your time, and there will be a lot of it, trying to avoid sex. So focus on the sex outside, and staying out of jail. You know what to do, and what not to do.

J is for jarring. Don't shake people up, either in the bed or outside of it. Keep your activities within bounds, which to a large extent means two or perhaps more consenting adults. I can't understand how people can be successful using jarring and that includes verbal jarring as a come-on or as foreplay. But to be honest, would I lie to you, such things do happen. Am I na๏ve to believe that such activities are less successful with modern, emancipated women?

J is for jealous. Sexual jealousy is a terrible thing. Somewhere in the relationship you have to set out the ground rules about dating others. What's good for the two (or more) of you is not necessarily good for others. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Take a gander at that couple in the corner, they're doing it with a goose. How can you be jealous of a goose? The rule no geese doesn't mean that you are jealous of geese or don't like them. Actually I love goose, roast goose.

Are you tired of all this negativity? Take a look at our companion series that accentuates the positive.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at

Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With K

By Levi Reiss

Do you want to improve your sex life? It seems that most people do, whether they are heterosexuals, homosexuals, or somewhere in between. If you are like most of us, you want more sex and you want better sex, and you want it now. Don't believe that there is a magic pick-up line, pill, potion, or perfume that will make it happen immediately, if not sooner. But we do believe that our articles can make a major difference in your sex life, and even in your love life, if that's what you want. Why not give them a try?

We have so many suggestions for improving your sex life that we are putting together an alphabetical list of what to do. Just so you don't miss out, we are also putting together an alphabetical list of what not to do. Don't waste all your time, effort, perhaps money, and perhaps love by putting your foot in your mouth when what you really want; we all know what you really want. This article focuses on kinky, kiss, and know.

K is for kinky. I hope that you aren't shocked if I tell you that kinky sex is good. However, there are limits. If you are just getting out of the pool don't thrust your fingers in an electric socket or you will be truly shocked. Your hair may even go kinky. A little kinkiness can be a lot of fun. And it can take the kinks out of your joints. (What's a cute kink like you doing in a joint like this?) Just remember, one person's normalcy is another person's kinkiness. And one person's kinkiness is another person's sine qua non. To save time and energy when people meet they should fill out forms describing their innermost (no pun intended) desires. Wouldn't that be kinky?

K is for kiss. What, you complain. Why are you writing about kissing? Isn't this supposed to be an article about sex? Guess what, good kissing can be an important component of good sex. And great kissing... If you do it right, kissing can be a prelude to sex. So what does it mean to kiss right? Don't slobber. Don't overwhelm. Don't make your partner gasp for air, that may seem sexy but it's not. Use your imagination. Flutter your lips lightly on all the familiar and some unfamiliar places. If you have permission, but only if you have permission, you may nip. But be careful. Nobody wants to come to work with a neck that resembles a map of the oil fields in Saudi Arabia. And bleeding is no fun. Be careful. In the heat of passion it's easy to get carried away. You may not know your own strength. So take it slow and easy. Or fast and easy. Or slow and hard. Or. I think that you are getting the idea. Remember, kissing is part of the fun.

K is for know. Do you know what it means to know someone biblically? The other day (more accurately the other month) in the cafeteria at work I was surprised that my coworkers were unfamiliar with this expression. To know a person biblically means to have had relations with him and her and I don't mean good working relations. Knowing someone, really knowing someone can speed the process of sliding into the sheets and equally improve what happens between the sheets. The better you know what they (is it by accident that I'm using the plural here, or is it just too clumsy to write he or she) like, the better the chance of delivery. And redelivery. But be careful or there may be a delivery that you hadn't counted on.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at

Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With J

By Levi Reiss

Do you want to improve your sex life? It seems that most people do, whether they are heterosexuals, homosexuals, or somewhere in between. If you are like most of us, you want more sex and you want better sex, and you want it now. Don't believe that there is a magic pick-up line, pill, potion, or perfume that will make it happen immediately, if not sooner. But we do believe that our articles can make a major difference in your sex life, and even in your love life, if that's what you want. Why not give them a try?

We have so many suggestions for improving your sex life that we are putting together an alphabetical list of what to do. Just so you don't miss out, we are also putting together an alphabetical list of what not to do. Don't waste all your time, effort, perhaps money, and perhaps love by putting your foot in your mouth when what you really want; we all know what you really want. This article focuses on jazz, join, and joke.

J is for jazz. There is something about jazz clubs that can push a relationship forward. And how. Maybe it's the music and maybe it's the cool lifestyle. Of course you have to be ready to deal with smoky atmosphere, late hours, dangerous neighborhoods, and price gouging. On the other hand, you don't have to make too much conversation. This crimps some styles. And frankly it doesn't seem too smooth to keep repeating; What did you say? Yet if you reply without hearing the comments from across the table you may end up saying something really stupid. Being excessively show offy about your jazz knowledge may wow some but displease others. And I have a sneaking suspicion that two heavy jazz aficionados are more likely to end the evening in an argument than in an interlocking embrace.

J is for join. If you want to be joined you have to join somewhere along the line. Togetherness is not simply a matter of the bedroom. The meeting of the minds, even when limited (cynics would say it's always limited) is almost a prerequisite to the meeting of the bodies.

J is for joke. There is something about humor that can break down the barriers between people. Get them laughing. But it's a fine line. Get them laughing with you and not laughing at you. The lampshade on the head bit is quite doubtful. I think that most people, myself included, would rather be with people who know how to laugh at themselves than with the deadly serious kind of individual. The word be in the previous sentence covers a lot of verbs including one-night standing. Life and even sex has its funny aspects. Know how to make a joke and how to take a joke.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at - You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at

How to Tell If Your Partner is a Virgin

By Kat Williams

Its important to a great many people to determine the sexual experience of their partners, but unfortunately, there is just no way to tell if your partner is a virgin or not.

Throughout childhood, women usually have a thin layer of tissue that stretches partially over the vagina called the hymen. A hymen that is intact is considered by many to be a sign of a woman's chastity, but I should point out that a hymen can easily be broken through exercise, gynecological exams, tampons, or stimulation of her vaginal by either her partners fingers or her own. A few women have even kept their hymens intact up until they give birth for the first time. This is a poor way to determine a woman's virginity.

Men have no true indicators of their virginity either although many women look to a man's sexual performance for a clue. A common thought is a man who ejaculates quickly has little or no sexual experience. This is flawed logic as well. While a man's performance time is often impacted by the frequency and regularity of his sexual encounters, it is impacted even more by his diet, lifestyle, mood, health, etc.

If knowing is truly important to you, you can always try to engage your partner in an honest discussion about their sexual history, but let me warn you now that a conversation like that may not go the way you want it. While your partner's virginity is a great gift, please keep in mind that a caring, passionate, and loving partner will give you many more gifts during the course of your relationship that will be of much more value than their virginity.

Guys, a woman may not always tell you that you don't please her. She may keep quiet or just move on to a more experienced partner. Take the time and care to learn a woman's body and mind.

Go to now.

Sign up for free exclusive access to website and newsletter dedicated to female sexual pleasure. (Sign up in next 48 hours and be eligible to get free copy of up coming e-book guide to female sexual pleasure. First draft will be ready in a few days and only a few readers are needed to review book before it hits market!)

Ladies, learn how to receive maximum sexual pleasure and please your man like no other woman by signing up now at

Your Friendly Neighborhood Sex Lady,

Kat Williams

How to Give Her Deep G-Spot Orgasms - The Secrets Most Men Will Never Know

By Kat Williams

Take a moment and imagine the power you would have once you become an expert at finding a woman's will.

Once you learn how to instantly find her G-Spot with the same ease as you would turn on your car stereo, than you will become her "Go To Guy" for sexual pleasure.

A man who can immediately find his woman's G-Spot is a definite "keeper". She will never let you go and even if you did end the relationship with her, she will always remember the ecstasy she experienced at your hands and she will forever be disappointed with how her future lovers compare to you.

Most men have no idea where the G-Spot is.

Believe it or not, some men still believe the G-Spot is a theoretical possibility or a figment of a woman's imagination. These men are very ignorant of the female anatomy and possess a "know it all" attitude that is not only a sure indication of an poor lover but also a sign of an inflexible, self absorbed and boorish romantic partner.

Remember guys, you are not women and the best thing you can do is keep an open mind, ask, experiment and never, ever assume anything. And what worked on one woman doesn't work on every woman.

Every woman has a G-Spot located in her vagina about 1/3 of the way in, on the upper wall. The G-Spot position is slightly different from one woman to the next--but not by far. She may even ejaculate with constant and consistent G-Spot stimulation, though ejaculation should only be a pleasant side effect and not your goal.

Very Important: Be sure to wash your hands with soap and clip and file your finger nails before you insert them inside a woman's vagina!

Apply a little lubricant on your fingers before exploring her vagina. Be sure to only use water soluble lubricants designed for sexual activities with women. These are not the multi-purpose, double duty lubricants you see in the drug store.

Feel for changes in texture of the vaginal walls. Her G-Spot will feel a little different from the rest of her vaginal canal--but the change will be very subtle unless she is already very aroused.

The area should feel a little raised and spongy. Turn your palm upwards and use your fingers to massage this area with a very gentle "come here" motion.

Most guys will jab her vagina in and out with a stabbing motion. Though this may pleasure her some, you are not directly stimulating her G-Spot.

Think about those old black and white romance movies where the lady is gently beckoning the hero, with her fingers, to "come up and see me sometime". Use that same "come here" motion to stimulate her G-Spot.

Be patient and pay close attention to her reactions. This is a spot of the body seldom given any attention, so the layer of tissue over it is tough and protective. As you stimulate this spot, it may raise and bunch. This is the sign she is becoming increasingly more aroused.

Take your time. But if you really want to speed things up, use a topical female heightener (cream applied to the vaginal area) to increase blood circulation and sensation in the vaginal area and make her more receptive to sexual stimulation.

You may even want to experiment with a curved or elongated tipped vibrator especially made for G-Spot stimulation.

Don't get discouraged if you don't get instant results. Keep practicing. The more you practice, the faster you will find her G-Spot and bring her to orgasm. Like everything else in life, practice makes perfect.

Guys, a woman may not always tell you that you don't please her. She may keep quiet or just move on to a more experienced partner. Take the time and care to learn a woman's body and mind.

Enter your name and email address at now.

You will get free exclusive access to website and newsletter dedicated to female sexual pleasure and learn more about female arousal, pleasure anatomy, ancient sex secrets and male sexual control!

(Sign up in next 48 hours and be eligible to get free copy of up coming illustrated e-book guide to female sexual pleasure. First draft will be ready in a few days and only a few readers are needed to review book before it hits market!)

If you want to really want the knowledge and the tools to pleasure her like no other man, then sign up now at

Your Friendly Neighborhood Sex Lady,

Kat Williams

1 Misunderstood Habit Reduces Early Ejaculation and Adds Years to Lifespan - Scientists Confirm

By Kat Williams

Scientists confirm, that the Secret To Increasing Your Health And Sexual Virility Lies In 1 Simple But Misunderstood Habit!

  • Simple, Fun and Easy To Do
  • Amazing Results For Women And Men
  • No Diets or Pills
  • No Specialized Equipment
  • Get Started Tonight!

What if I told you 1 simple and easy thing you can do to help you live longer and make you a better lover?

Would you do it?

Let's say, you've done it before or do it every now and then.

Once you learn how important it is, would you do it every day from now on?

Now you may be wondering...

"If this practice is so easy and so important, and it's scientifically confirmed, then how come nobody has told me about it before? Must be illegal?"

Nope it's not illegal though it does share few things with a couple of practices that are very illegal.

However it is something that has been frowned on by some religions and not always considered a "cool" thing to do.

I'm talking about Masturbation!

Now Masturbation really does have a bad rap. It is actually forbidden by some religions. Evangelists once toured the country preaching against it's evils.

From a very early age, we are taught there is something wrong with touching ourselves and that we are dirty or bad if we do so.

Later we learn that masturbation is something you do because you can't get anybody else to have sex with you.

Now scientist are discovering that not only does frequent masturbation make you a better lover BUT frequent masturbation actually adds years to your life span.

Men, Masturbation Makes You Better Lover And Actually Adds Years To Your Lifespan

Professor Graham Giles of Australia discovered that men who ejaculate more than five times a week during their 20s reduce their risk of getting prostate cancer by 30%!

"We hypothesize that if you're not ejaculating often enough, some of that seminal fluid remains in the ducts of the prostate for a longer time than it needs to, and that biochemical changes occur in that fluid in the ducts that might be carcinogenic."- Dr. Graham Giles

This study ties in with other research suggesting that frequent ejaculation prevents painful urination in old age.

So guys, unless you want to get prostate cancer or endure painful urination in your old age, you need to ejaculate at least 5 times a week!

Now it would be just great if your significant other would help out and have sex with you at least 5 nights a week, 20 days a month, 240 times a year.

But chances are not all of you will get that lucky.

(Pssst...try this one: "Honey, recent studies show men who don't have sex 5 times a week, are more likely to get cancer and die. You wouldn't want me to get cancer would you?" Who knows, maybe she'll go for it. )

And for you single guys, this doesn't mean run out 5 nights a week and grab just any strange lady from just any where.

Studies also show that the statistical benefits you'd get from frequent ejaculation get canceled out by the risk you run of catching something nasty. Among other things, contracting an std increases your chances of getting prostate cancer.

So what does that leave you with?

You guessed it! That leaves you with YOU!

But there is nothing to be ashamed of any more.

It's okay to masturbate.

Not only does it put years on you life but, it will make you better in bed.

"A man can learn a lot about being a better lover through masturbation -- even if he has a regular partner," says Peter Sandor Gardos, Ph.D., a San Francisco clinical sexologist.

Masturbation makes men better lovers. Men ejaculating too soon is the most common reason women don't have orgasms during intercourse. A man who can masturbate for 15-20 minutes without ejaculating is far less likely to suffer from premature ejaculation during sex.

Many men are quick ejaculators due to bad habits they picked up as kids living at home with their families.

"The fear of being found out motivates boys to learn to masturbate to orgasm as quickly as possible," says Patricia Love, Ed.D., a Houston marriage therapist.

So you have been actually training yourself to ejaculate quickly.

Now that you are an adult, slow down and take your time. Let masturbation become stamina building training sessions. Try to masturbate as long as you can before ejaculating. Your lady lover will love you for it later.

Make Masturbation As Close To Real Thing As Possible!

Of course there is a huge difference between your hard, dry, scaly hand and a woman's soft and moist vagina. To really get the most out of your stamina training sessions you need to make conditions as realistic as possible.

The closer your masturbation conditions are to a woman's vagina the better your extracurricular activity will translate into actual bedroom stamina!

Not only that, the more your masturbation feels like real sex, the more you will enjoy it and the stronger your orgasms and ejaculation will be!

Learn how to become a superior lover by masturbating under conditions most similar to a womans vagina by going to

Guys, your woman may not always tell you that you don't please her. She may keep quiet or just move on to a more experienced partner.

Go to now and enter your name and email address and begin the journey towards becoming an expert at giving female sexual pleasure.

Besides, if you can't satisfy her, someone else will.

Kat Williams

Tips For Satisfying Sex and Sensuality

By Jackie Beck

Sexual intimacy is an important component of life. Focusing on your partner can become nearly impossible if you are engrossed in your career, or have a never shortening to do list. Getting "in the mood" is the first challenge, and staying there is the next. There are several things that you can do to improve your sex drive, and enhance your sensuality.

One important key to satisfying sex is to pamper yourself. Treat your senses, sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. After a busy day, both men and women can feel worn down, unattractive, and anything but sensual. Taking time to wind down with a hot shower or a warm bath. Scented candles can help soothe you, and so can music.

Prepare yourself for an intimate sensual encounter. Dim the lights in the room, and put flowers all around. Flowers have long held sexual secrets. In the 12th century, bedrooms were adorned with roses to enhance the desire and sensuality associated with sex. Today flowers are still used in such manners.

Take turns giving each other gentle, full-body massages. This will enhance your sense of touch, and get you ready for an intimate, sensual encounter. There is also a bonding that takes place, as you learn your partner's ticklish spots, and how they like to be caressed.

The rest, you know. Taking the time to shed the troubles of the day, and thinking about being intimate with your partner will make all of the difference in your sexual satisfaction. The extra preparation will stimulate all of your five senses, and open the door to an intimate encounter with your partner will enjoy, and have trouble forgetting.

Jackie Beck is the owner and founder of Healing Combinations.

By using Bach Flower essences, discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1920's and 1930's, Healing Combinations provides natural remedies for sensual sex. They produce natural products for a variety of issues, with a sense of social responsibility and integrity. You can purchase them individually in your local health food store or in the Sensual Sex combination at Think of them like affirmations for your soul.

12 Things You Can Do During Foreplay to Get Him Ready to Make Love

By Heather Lee

1. Kiss his chest, neck and stomach while massaging his thighs.

2. Lick his lips with your tongue and kiss his earlobes gently.

3. Gently caress his lower back with your nails, as you give him little love bites in different parts of his back. Make sure you are not scratch him or bite him hard.

4. Place little drops of massage oil on his back. Straddle him and give him the best back massage he has received in a long time.

5. Grind on his leg as you kiss the backside of his thighs.

6. Give him a deep French kiss while caressing his face and hair.

7. Suck his toes as you rub all over his legs.

8. Gently kiss him on his butt.

9. Whisper the things you want to do to him.

10. Let him see your naked body with the right mood-setting light.

11. Place drops of your favorite ice cream on his nipples and suck them off.

12. Rub and gently massage the sweet spot between his legs as you lick and kiss his lips.

It is very easy to turn a man on if you focus on pleasuring him during foreplay. Don't just lie down on the bed and expect him to turn you on and make love to you without you doing anything to make sure that he is aroused enough to make passionate love to you. And if you really want your man to be addicted to you, then show him how much you love him by fulling some of his lovemaking fantasies -- as long as his fantasies do not hurt anyone. Lovemaking is a two-way street and it takes two people in love to make the kind of love that curls your toes.

To find out the quickest way to make your man fall madly in love with you, visit

Understanding the Pros and Cons of Experimenting in the Bedroom

By H R Miller

Many people who are sexually frustrated often times consider ending their relationships. If you really love your husband or wife you should not leave solely based on your sexual frustrations. Try to spice things up in the bedroom by doing a little experimenting. This has proven to be successful for many couples.

As wonderful as it is to hear that experimenting in the bedroom can help improve your sex life, there are always a few things you have to take into consideration before you start experimenting in the bedroom. Let's look at a few of the pros and cons.

One of the pros to experimenting in bed is that you break the boredom. Change is a good thing. Change is important for the survival of many relationships. If you see sex as a chore then you need to make some changes immediately.

Another pro to experimenting in bed is the improvement your sex life will experience. As I said before, change will do most relationships a lot of good. Experimenting in the bedroom can bring back the fire so to speak. It would be just like the first time you and your husband or wife made love. Hopefully that was a great experience.

The big pool of options you have when you experimenting in bed are another reason why experimenting in bed is a good idea. Unfortunately, when many men and women think of experimenting they go to the extreme and think it has to involve something like bringing another person into the bedroom. That is in no way what I mean when I say experiment in the bedroom. I personally feel that bringing another person into your bedroom is very disrespectful. But if it works for you then hey, go for it. When I say experiment I mean trying new positions, role playing and things of that nature.

Now that I have listed a few of the good things about experimenting in the bedroom allow me to open your eyes to a few of the not so good things. One downside is that simply fact that you have to talk to your partner about this. Depending on how open and mature your relationship is this could be a very hard thing to do. Your partner may automatically thing that they are unable to please you. Your partner might also feel very offended. So be very gentle in your approach.

Another downside is that your partner may resist your desire for change. They may not want to change anything. They may think your sex life is just fine. It is very important to get your point across please do not come across as being pushy. Your partner may just need a little time to adjust so give it to them. Sooner or later they just might come around.

Remember there is a lot of good that can come from experimenting but there is also a lot bad that could come from it as well. Talk to you your partner. Remember that the both of you need to keep an open mind. That's the only way it can work.

For more articles, tips and information on ways you can improve your sex life visit Have Better Sex Now.

The Dangers of Experimenting in the Bedroom and Taking Things Too Far

By H R Miller

Experimenting in the bedroom is a great way to get rid of bedroom boredom. Many couples actually improve their entire relationship because of a little experimenting. The only problem is that some individuals do not know what boundaries should not be crossed.

Don't get me wrong. Experimenting is a wonderful thing but if things go too far the consequences could be severe. Before you and your partner start experimenting sit down and set some boundaries. Let each other know how far you are willing to go. You should know these things before you start.

If you just decided to jump right into it and not set boundaries then someone can and probably will end up getting their feelings hurt. Some significant others seem to believe that experimentation is needed in order to fulfill desires they themselves feel incapable of fulfilling. If anything this leads to one partner feeling undesirable and neglected.

Another consequence of taking things too far is that you partner may develop a negative view about you. If you want to add another person in the mix your significant other may start to think differently about you. If you are trying to improve your relationship as a whole then keep that in mind before suggesting something over the top.

If you take experimenting too far your partner may no longer desire to have sex with you. They may avoid any type of intimacy all together. If your partner is turned off in the least bit by what you are doing then they will likely put off having sex with you for a period of time.

The one consequence you want to avoid at all cost is having your relationship come to an end because things went too far. Unfortunately, most people underestimate just how big of a deal experimenting in the bedroom can be. If you are not careful you can do more harm than good. You don't want to end up alone just because you wanted to get wild and ended up going too far.

Remember, the key to having a successful experimentation in the bedroom is to communicate with your partner before you get started. Set limits and boundaries and agree that neither one of you will violate those limits and boundaries.

For more articles, tips and information on ways you can improve your sex life visit Have Better Sex Now.

Sex After a Baby - A Few Things Every Husband Should Know

By H R Miller

If you have recently added a new addition to your family then let me be the first to say congratulations. There is nothing more wonderful or exciting than becoming a parent.

Though it is great and wonderful to be a new parent, many fathers quickly loose that excitement and want to return to their pre baby sex routine. Most men are very disappointed to find out that their sex life is not going to return to normal right away.

If this is your first child then I am sure you are not familiar with how sex after a baby works for women. Here are a few helpful tips to help you out.

Give your wife space. Chances are she is not emotionally or physically ready to have sex. Having a baby is a very draining process. Have compassion towards your wife. Don't be selfish. After all she just carried your baby for 9 months and went through several hours of labor to give birth. Your wife needs time to heal. Doctors recommend you wait at least a month before having sex after you have had a baby. Please know that every woman is different. Your wife may be ready to have sex much sooner or even much later than the average recommended time frame. Just play it by hear. Your wife will let you know when she is ready.

Do not have high expectations right away. Having a baby is a very overwhelming experience, especially for moms. Remember she has to feed the baby late at night. She has to get up with the baby when the baby is crying at all times of the morning. These things can and will prevent your wife from wanting to have sex. She will also not be able to get her normal daily tasks completed. Things such as cleaning the house or getting dinner prepared will all take a back seat to her having to care for the newborn baby.

The best way to get your sex life back to where you want it to be is to help your wife out. Do the dishes and cook dinner. Don't let your wife feel completely helpless and overwhelmed after giving birth. Pitch in. Helping out will give your wife less things she has to do and give her more time to possibly be intimate with you.

Do not push your wife into having sex if she is not ready to do so. Remember she needs to heal. Also, if your baby is sleeping in your room then your wife will probably not feel comfortable being intimate. Take all factors into consideration. Be patient. Take this time to "wow" your wife all over again like you did when you first met her. Be romantic. Prepare a nice dinner. Send her flowers. Let her know you think she is the best mom in the world. These little things could possible get your wife back in the mood for sex much sooner.

For more articles, tips and information on ways you can improve your sex life visit Have Better Sex Now.

5 Signs You Have a Healthy Sex Life

By H R Miller

Do you have a happy healthy sex life? Unfortunately many couples often compare their sex life with those of other couples. Don't do that. Each relationship and situation is different. What works for one couple might not work for you. That being said, there are a few common things you can look for that will help you determine if you have a happy and healthy sex life. Below are 5 signs that will help you see just how healthy your sex life is or isn't.

Sign #1 - Your Relationship is Healthy

Couples with a healthy relationship communicate with each other on a regular basis. The lines of communication are always open. Healthy couples are able to tell each other when something is wrong. Healthy relationships consist of two equally committed individuals. Healthy couples have realistic expectations of each other and are not over demanding.

Sign #2 - Experimenting in the bedroom

Experimenting in bed is a sign of a happy and healthy sex life. Don't go overboard here. Experimenting in bed will improve your sex life a great deal, but don't overdo it. Experimentation can be done in several different ways. It can something as simple as trying a new position or having sex in a different place.

Sign #3 - Sex is Freely Given

When couples have been together for a long time sex tends to become more of a chore rather then something that is done for pleasure. Sex should be something that you enjoy doing with your partner. Not something you feel obligated to do. Having sex because you want to will allow you to achieve maximum pleasure.

Sign #4 - Sex is A Regular Part of The Relationship

It is not uncommon for sex to take a back seat to everything else. When you are dealing with raising a family, working and handling other important tasks it can be very hard to have sex on a regular basis. Don't let your day to day responsibilities get in the way of you having sex with your partner. Couples who make time for sex have happy healthy sex lives. Be spontaneous! If you only have time for a quickie then by all means do a quickie.

Sign #5 - Sex is more than just Sex

Unfortunately most people don't realize that sex is about more than just having intercourse. Foreplay is extremely important when it comes to having a happy and healthy sex life. Every day you should do something that your partner might not expect. Leave a little love note or send them an unexpected gift to work. This will keep your partner interested in you. If the romance is still going on way after the intercourse has come to an end then you have a happy and healthy sex life.

If one of the signs mentioned above describe your relationship then chances are you have a happy and healthy sex life.

Don't take for granted the fact that you have a happy and healthy sex life right now. Things can quickly change. Remember to always keep the lines of communication open. Especially when it comes to sex and the needs of your partner.

For more articles, tips and information on ways you can improve your sex life visit Have Better Sex Now.

How Steroids Affect Your Sexuality

By Francis K Githinji

Have you ever felt like denouncing your sex? If you are a man and you watch your fellow men raping young girls, you blurt out a lot of abusive words that curse men without remembering that you are one. What about when you are so jobless and your schoolmates are living out of wealthy men? You for a second wish you were a girl. If you are a woman, i am sure there was a time men took advantage of your sexuality and for a moment you wanted to be a man. All the job promotions were for men and yet you were more productive. What about when you carried that sickly pregnancy? You envied your husband and wished you were him. If you are an athlete your wishes might soon come to be true because steroids affect sexuality.

Given a chance would you change your sex? It happened to Heidi Kriegler a top world athlete in 1980's. She won medal after medal and so the sports steroids worked good for East Germany but was she happy to have been changed from being a woman a man? The athlete even changed her name from Heidi Kriegler to Andreas Kriegler. He had to do so as the steroids he had been given had changed his emotional nature and even her physical appearance. To confirm the sex change, he even started feeling sexually attracted to women and yet not from a lesbian perspective. It would be good if it was done with his knowledge but he wanted to win medals and he consumed steroids which he was told were vitamin pill. It is a wonderful revelation that steroids affect sexuality.

Sex change is a rare practice in the world and it must be frustrating for the victim. Heidi Kriegler underwent sex changing operation in 1997 and if you see his picture he looks just like a man. The Oral-Turinabol anabolic steroids drastically changed her personality that she had no option but to accept the outcome and fully be transformed into a man. The athlete is not happy. This is reflected in his reaction. He no longer values his gold medals and in fact he refers to them as doping medals. You might think he was lucky to live two lives in one. He once lived as woman and yet he now lives as a man. Is it a privilege or a misfortune? He never knew how steroids affect sexuality.

The performance enhancing drugs were used to turn a country into a sports power house and also turn a woman into a man. Kriegler is a married man and enjoys living his own life despite being a victim and an evidence that steroids affect sexuality. Given a chance he would have wanted to remain as a woman. This is a big teaching to all people who are never contented with who they are. The grass always look greener on the other side but it is just a trick of nature. Be comfortable with who you are whether man or woman. Kriegler's plight should teach people to be weary of doping which is a result of pressure to win. Tests will be carried out in Beijing, china to ensure there are no drugs used.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Steroids Affect Sexuality Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success,

Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot

By Eric T Jackson

Throughout history, there has always been sex. Moreover, there has been sexual education. Though it seems to me it is completely ineffective. I find that I am not alone, most people of sexual age have been given little education on what to expect in an actual sexual encounter. What is taught mainly relates to menstrual cycles, as well as general male and female anatomy, but it tends to stop there. This is likely due to the constant stigma connected to adults teaching young men and women that sex can and should be a pleasurable experience for both parties.

As a young boy, a close friend crudely introduced me to masturbation on my front lawn. He ran the garden hose between his legs and stroked it in a gesture that indicated the concept of masturbation along with various moans and groans. It seemed he knew what he was doing. So being young and easily influenced, when it was time to go inside I went directly to the bathroom to try this process. Wow, it worked I remember thinking to myself. The first orgasm for me was around 11 or 12 years old, and there was no explanation need. I followed the rather cryptic lead my trusted friend had demonstrated on the front lawn. Before ejaculating I felt pressure building in my genital area, I felt like I had to pee, but I trusted my friend knew something that I did not, so I continued and did climax.

Women in contrast are never, ever, given even the smallest hint of what makes them have a pleasurable orgasm. It is my experience women are shunned from sexual conversation or interaction as often as possible from early childhood. There is no wonder emotional scars develop due to the behavior of our society. We tend to create such taboo associated to female sexuality that it actually has a voodoo effect on women. Voodoo only works if it is believable to the recipient. Our society has done exactly that, causing woman to expect little pleasure from sexual relation. As I see it, American scientists and doctors as well as parents are the cause of this problem. If there is no empirical proof beyond personal experience of our scientific community they discounts any findings. We all know that scientists, doctors and parents know everything. (LOL)

My mission is to put the confusion to rest. Most if not all women can ejaculate, barring medical or physical problems. There is and always has been evidence on Female Ejaculation. Dating back to ancient Hindu Tantra teachings, they called it clan fluid (kuladravya) or clan nectar (kulamrita) translating to "Nectar of the Goddess" they believed it to be flowing naturally from the woman's womb. Lacking any actual data to support this belief, the simple fact that it occurred was enough to enlighten their society.

Over the past 4 years I have been on a mission to uncover as much factual information on the subject of female ejaculation as I could. My first encounter with a woman ejaculating, was about 20 years ago, I am 41 now. Something happened during cunnilingus (oral sex) on my girlfriend of 2 years that sort of shocked me. I could feel a gush of fluid with my fingers inside her. I truly had no idea what it was. Since that time I have longed to repeat the situation. For the past 3 years I have been able to make any willing woman ejaculate and have a true climax. With women so often playing a role in the bedroom it is very difficult for anyone to really know what is going on inside their heads or their vaginas.

Being an extremely sexual person I like many other men became frustrated searching for this all illusive area called the G-Spot (Coined in 1981 by Beverley Whipple honoring Ernest Grafenberg, M.D.). In recent years after much research I believe I have it figured out. There is no G-spot, it is in fact an area. The original citation by Grafenberg defines an area that is on the anterior (top) wall of the vaginal canal. Interpretations by readers of those original citations determined that there was a single spot described to be about the size of dime that needed stimulation to bring out a vaginal orgasm.

This for me was a large part of the problem. While exploring the interior of the vagina I would try to find this spot. I failed. Since then I have truly discovered the area. The only clear comparison I am able to make is that the area inside the vagina called the G-spot which is really a line, equivalent to the base of the male penis. This area can vary in size, both in length and diameter from woman to woman. As Grafenberg determined, it is the area that encompasses the length of the urethra within the vagina. It is not a spot at all, nor did Grafenberg describe it as one.

To understand the mechanisms of female ejaculation you must first have a clear picture in your head of what men and women have in common and what it takes for the common male to ejaculate. When we are conceived we all start out undifferentiated as to sex. Therefore, it is only common sense that we have the same parts. Male testicles descend, my conclusion is they are the organs that would have been ovaries without the Y chromosome. The clitoral hood (prepuce) becomes foreskin of the penis. The labia majora becomes the scrotum, while the labia minora is the actual skin that envelopes the urethra and erectile tissue and becomes the outside skin of the penis.

It seems very simple when spelled out in this manner but science makes no such correlation. Now to the actual fluids: Male ejaculate is a combination of things, prostate fluid, produced in the prostate gland, as well as sperm produced in the testis. This is combined prior to ejaculation. For women there is no sperm, nor is there any need for the fluid to be thick and goopy protecting the sperm within. In women the fluid is exclusively produced by the female prostate (or para-urethral sponge) it is equivalent to sweat, produced by the lymphatic systems of the body, not the urinary system. Many will claim that it is urine, but test on the fluid show there is little comparison. The fluid is much more like that of the male prostate gland. Containing the same prostate specific antigens as well as a very high concentration of sugars, which neither are present in urine.

Now most all of us realize that there is little feeling on almost 3/4 of the male penis. The entire head of the penis is super sensitive, equal to the clitoris. This provides a great ability to create sexual stimulation there for both men and women. However, very few men will ejaculate by only giving attention to the head of his penis, though it is not impossible. They will have a sexual climax (peak of the hill), but rarely fully ejaculate (top of the mountain). This is what I believe most non-vaginal orgasms are to women. There is a climax, but only to a small degree of what could be. The top and sides of the penis have little sensation. The real area needing attention is the base of the penis where the urethra is clearly visible. The entire shaft of the penis needs consistent pressure and stimulation in order to cause full ejaculation. If you were to imagine an erect penis within an oversized cylinder of equal length and you only had 2 or 3 fingers to access this area around the urethra what would you need to do to cause stimulation and ejaculation. This is how you need to picture, in your head, what is necessary for a woman to ejaculate.

There is a distinctive area just inside the vagina on the upper wall running from the very end of the urethra and just behind the clitoris that is the "E-spot, the ejaculation spot". This area runs on both sides and behind the woman's urethra on the abdomen side. It varies in length and diameter from person to person, just as the penis comes in all shapes and sizes. There has been a widespread idea that a "come here" motion with the fingers will bring an ejaculation orgasm for a woman. This is only partly true. The real situation is that you need to have the smooth area between the first two segments of your finger apply pressure while sliding on this area. It is much more like a Disc Jockey when they slide a record back and forth. Now what happened to the erectile tissue, ah its in there! If you are using the correct motion and pressure you will feel very specific changes to the interior of the vaginal canal.

Upon entry you will feel an area (mound) of ribbed tissue bulging from the top of the vaginal canal, it feels sort of like our throat. After a small amount of time in an excited state there will be changes. First there will be a complete smoothness and opening up of the entire inside of the vagina. Then there will be a tremendous build up of pressure. It will become difficult to keep your fingers inside, but you must. This is the point that 90% of all women stop you or quickly change positions to stop the feeling of having to pee. The only way past this part is trust. As I trusted my friend knew more than I did at age 11, you must trust your partner. There is no way past it without trust and being comfortable enough with your partner. You are both choosing to venture into unknown areas of sexual relations. If you are not comfortable enough with each other there is no way to achieve ejaculation. Men unlike women don't care, they just want to come. For women sexual relations are so emotional that there must be comfort and relaxation in order for ejaculation to occur.

It is the job of the partner giving to assure her (the receiver) that it is OK to let it go. When you are getting the feeling that you are being pushed out from the tension of the vagina you are very close and your job is to let her know it is OK. Tell her again and again. She will only get past the instinctive reaction to hold in urine if you allow it. As previously stated it is not urine though you will get everything wet if done correctly. Put down towels in advance to prevent apprehension of wetting the bed.

Seduce a Woman in a Few Easy Steps

By Elle Marchand

When a man is looking to seduce a woman, sometimes it has to be done in few steps. Sometimes even in a few encounters. You cannot be looking for the big score all the time. Try to take some time to plant a few seeds. Remember that women want sex too, we just do not always want it with the same urgency that you do. It is possible to meet a woman, get her name, and "bed" her all in one night, but is that the kind of woman that you want to sleep with?

If you are looking for someone a little more refined and selective then you want to take your time to progress through the stages of seduction.

Stage 1 : I like you, and I think you like me and I want to see you again. We seem to have many of the same interests and there is no hint of looking for sex.

Stage 2 : Here we are again, and you know that you can trust me. We are still just having a good time.

Stage 3 : Ok, yes I am looking for sex, and I am willing to admit that and even hint at it, but now that you know that sex is not all I am looking for you should be more receptive to me.

Stage 4 : I think you know what stage 4 is but do you see how much better off you will be when you now make your move. We have a lot of positive going right now.

For more information on exactly what to do next you should look at this. The best way to learn how to seduce a woman, is from a woman. Learn from the best how to attract the best.

The 3 Best Sexual Positions For Multiple Orgasms

By Drikus Botha

These 3 best sexual positions guarantee multiple orgasms every single time you have sex. The first one is...

Doggy Style

The receiving partner is on all fours with their torso horizontal, taking their weight on the forearms and hands. The penetrating partner kneels behind, holding on to the bottom or sides and enters her from behind, controlling the movement with their hips.

In a variant of the doggy position, the receiving partner's torso is angled downwards. The penetrating partner can raise their own hips above those of the receiving partner for maximum penetration. This is sometimes called the leapfrog position.

In another variant of the doggy position, the penetrating partner places their feet on each side of the receiving partner while keeping their knees bent and effectively raising up as high as possible while maintaining penetration. The penetrating partners hands usually have to be placed on the receiving partner's back to keep from falling forward.

Spread-Eagle (best sexual positions)

If she raises her bottom off the bed slightly, perhaps with the aid of a pillow under her hips, then it will be possible to achieve deeper penetration. The man can also lie with his full weight on his partner, from which position it is easy to roll into 'spoons

There are two main ways to engage in Spread Eagle sex position, the receiver can either have their legs apart with their partner entering from behind coming between the legs

A slight variation of this position is when they have the their legs closed with their partner's legs on the outside penetrating from behind, this is sometimes called 'the peace sign position

Leapfrog Position (best sexual positions)

The penetrating partner penetrates from behind in a kneeling position. This, as with most positions in which the penetrating partner enters the receiving partner from behind, allows the penetrating partner to ensure that the receiving one reaches a satisfactory orgasm by manually stimulating her clitoris.

This position also allows the penetrating partner to control his thrust speed more easily, providing the desired speed and stimulation for the receiving partner.

Penetration can be very deep. The receiving partner also has the option of rotating her hips against the penis as she is penetrated giving added sensation to both partners.

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How to Last Longer in Bed Now!

By Chess McDoogle

We've all been there before. Sexual intimacy is going on and we feel the urge of over excitement rounding the corner. It can be very embarrassing if you don't know how to last longer in bed.

The answer can be found in a last longer program or manual which will teach you how to permanently last longer every time out. After a few weeks of practicing the techniques, you'll be able to avoid premature ejaculation for good. But...

What if you need to know how to last longer in bed, right now?

In the meantime, you probably want to find techniques that will work right away. Methods you can use tonight or this weekend.

While you will eventually want to get a good program or manual, there are things you can do to last much longer than usual and please your partner during sexual intimacy. Here's some lasting longer tips you can use immediately:

1. Creams.

There are actual creams or ointments available at drugstores which essentially provide a numbing sensation to your member, so that you won't be as sensitive as normal, thus lasting much, much longer.

2. Mental Tricks.

During sex, you can perform little mental tricks in your head to avoid premature ejaculation. The best technique which works for many men is thinking about football or baseball; your favorite teams, their rosters, scores, records, stats on players, and so forth.

3. Masturbation.

About an hour before sex, if you masturbate then then your chances of lasting longer during actual sex will increase greatly.

While using these short term techniques, get a last longer manual and study techniques which will train you how to last longer in bed every time out, without having to rely on quick fix methods every single time.

Here is the best Last Longer Manual available on the internet. With a 97% success rate, you can learn quickly and effectively how to last longer in bed -

Learn how to be a long lasting, pleasing and pleasurable sex partner who doesn't suffer from the embarrassing premature ejaculation condition -

Better Sex Tips For Men

By Chess McDoogle

Men should learn three main tips for better sex that will guarantee pleasure for you and your partner every time out. Learning better sex tips are incredibly important for keeping your woman or impressing potential lovemaking partners.

Here are the better sex tips for men:

1. Lasting long enough.

Incredibly important. If you are not able to last long enough during sexual intimacy, you won't please your partner and intimacy will be less than pleasurable. Lasting long enough and not suffering from premature ejaculation is the main element in intimacy which women are concerned with, so it's very important to learn how to last your longest.

2. Foreplay skills.

Very important as well. Great sex can almost be guaranteed if you warm things up with strong, sensual foreplay. It's the set up that really counts and what will make the main event incredibly pleasurable. Take your time and learn skills that will "set things up" so that actual sex will be memorable and exciting.

3. Sex Technique Variety.

Variety is the key to a strong, sex skills game. If you have a dozen of intimately pleasing tricks and techniques up your sleeve which you can drop on a dime and perform pleasurably well, then you are going to walk away as a memorable, pleasing, stud.

The key for variety is reading up on effective and erotic sex skill tips, then memorizing at least half a dozen to a dozen. Try a few out at a time and see which seem to work the best. Then perfect your skill so that you can drop them on a dime, smoothly and erotically effectively!

Here's an excellent manual with 100's of effective and erotic sex skills that you can learn overnight -

This guy got on the Oprah show due to his tips being so effective -

Increase Your Libido With Natural Herbs

By Andres Munoz

Are you a man in his thirties or forties with a noticeable decrease in your libido as compared to when you were in your twenties? If so, it's called age and unfortunately you can't turn back the clock but you can add some all natural foods herbs to improve your libido and sexual health.

Before we get into herbs that can increase your libido there are certain issues that must be addressed first - namely sexual health.

The single most important factor in your sexual performance is good cardiovascular health. Simply put it's increasing the blood supply throughout your body. With that said it's important to realize that your general heath is linked to your sexual health. When men and women are sexually aroused blood flow increases to the sex organs engorging the tissues. For men we experience an erection and for women they experience lubrication in their vaginal tissues.

What specific nutrient increases the blood flow from your brain to your genitals? It's NO or Nitric Oxide. NO specifically triggers a neuro transmitter in your body that causes your blood vessels to dilate allowing more blood flow to move through your vessels. This means more blood flow to your penis.

The foods that absolutely kill your body's NO production are high in fat that has become the typical American diet. As the old saying goes "garbage in garbage out" and needless to say eating a double bacon cheeseburger, biggie fries and a super-sized soda every day will no only harm your overall health but your sexual health as well.

Now that you know what not to eat lets examine what foods are high in nitric oxide. The best are leafy green vegetables, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes and spinach.

Another powerful sexual nutrient the body uses is L-Arginine or Arginine. In fact this amino acid is the raw material the body uses to create nitric oxide. Some natural sources of arginine can be found in such foods as nuts, wheat germ, lima beans, lentils and spinach. However the best sources were in fact found in nuts and seeds. Thankfully you can buy Arginine in any vitamin shop and have this essential nutrient at arms length.

Now that we have covered how essential your diet is to your sexual health there are several natural herbs that have been shown to increase your libido. The king of sexual herbs goes to "Horny Goat Weed" funny name for a powerful herb that has been used in Chinese medicine for two thousand years. It has been administered to treat impotence, increase sexual desire and increases the secretion of sperm volume. There has been enough studies done that lend credibility to Horny Goat Weed as the sexual tyrannosaurus of herbs. This potent herb is truly remarkable in its properties; it's a no wonder why it has been safely used in Asia for over 2,000 years. Luckily Horny Goat Weed is available in most health food stores relatively cheap.

Now we are going to tackle another problem many men suffer from - premature ejaculation. These two words can cause sever embarrassment for men with this problem however there are tools that can be used to combat this problem. Herbs that have been known to address this issue are Wu Wei Zi and She Chuan Zi. Again these herbs have been used in China and Asia for a long time and have been prescribed by Chinese doctors to combat premature ejaculation.

In the last few years Chinese herbal medicine has been rediscovered by western medicine and gained the spotlight for the ability to treat a multitude of ailments including sexual problems plaguing both men and women.

By no means should you take this report as medical advice, only a doctor can accurately diagnose a medical problem. If you are suffering from a medical condition please see a doctor before you begin any self improvement in particular the use of herbs and vitamins. This report was meant for men in their thirties and forties that want to increase their libido naturally.


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Ways of Seduction - Rules

By Yana Mikheeva

To support a couple's sexual life, it is necessary to surprise and tempt your partner constantly. Psychologists give some practical advice on ways of seduction.

Seducing key rule: 5 senses of a person - sight, hearing, touch, sense of smell and taste should participate all together. Very often we take these senses for granted and do not pay enough attention to them. And they should be constantly stimulated.

The right bedroom atmosphere will help stimulating sight: candles, rose petals, silk bed-sheets, seductive lingerie. Psychologists advise to resort to this way not every day, but in special cases.

To stimulate sense of smell, try aromatic candles or sticks, scented water with seductive smell. But be cautious: if your partner does not like a smell, this will only spoil everything.

Flavouring receptors are very important for each person, and food can be a strong aphrodisiac. Try strawberry with whipped cream, grapes, chocolate syrup or honey.

It is also necessary to stimulate hearing. Remember, it includes not only your passionate whisper during intimate moments, but also other sounds. Allow your partner listening to some erotic history, recorded by your voice, or turn on any romantic melody.

Touch - the most erotic sense of all. Silk bed-clothes, massage with aromatic oil or sexual lingerie - excellent ways of stimulation of this sense. The most erogenous zones of a person: neck, shoulders, hands, ears and lips. And finally, only you know about your partner's erogenous zones best of all. Think about your desired one and your intimate life will make both of you happy!

Sex Game - the Sex Date

By Tony Higgins

"The Sex Date" is a sex game in which you make a sex-appointment with your partner, and you reserve a certain period for that. This might sound odd, but for busy people, this is often a very good way of having more and better sex, and not just quickies. Here is some advice on how to do this:

1. First, you have to discuss this with your partner. Do not present it as a method for solving a problem, but instead present it as a way to make sure you have more quality time together. You both know: once something is written in your agenda (S.D.!), it will happen, and what is not written in an agenda is sometimes forgotten.

2. Since you do not want to have a quickie, you should allow at least two hours, for a long shower together, some good sex that is not rushed, and plenty of time for pillow-talk afterward. So reserve enough time for this.

3. Because this is a date, you can talk about the place as well: the house, a motel, a hotel, the back of the car, a deserted beach at night? Use your imagination, there is nothing wrong with the good old bedroom, but don't feel restricted to go there.

4. Special wishes: has it been a long time since you exchanged a good massage? Do you want to use the date to try something new? Do you want some kind of special treatment? Or do you just want a surprise or some spontaneous sex? Discuss it!

5. Make sure that if there is any negative tension between the two of you, things are talked out before the sex date. This allows you to use the sex date purely as a sex date. Don't talk about work, problems, or ordinary things: this is an erotic encounter you both want to enjoy to the full.

At first, a sex date may seem like an odd idea. But since our lives often get busier and busier, it can be a good solution for a lot of people, to have an exciting sex-life together. Once you get used to the idea, it can be a fun and exciting way to meet and mate.

Visit, to download the Ebook: "Sex Games - 50 Sex Games for Adventurous Couples." I ask for a small, voluntary donation, AFTER you have read the Ebook, and you donate ONLY if you are happy with it.

If you prefer a paperback version of the book, please visit - "Sex Games" for more information.

Ebook or paperback, both options will guarantee that you have more fun and excitement in the bedroom! Tony Higgins

Sex Game - the Laser Pointer

By Tony Higgins

Laser Pointers are the pens that produce a colored dot (mostly red) when you point them somewhere. Laser Pointers can be fun to play with, as long you are careful not to aim at someone's eye. With laser pointers, you can play an exciting adult game in the bedroom. This is how it's done:

1. You need a laser pointer, which you can buy on the Internet for a few dollars. For clarity, choose one with a red dot.

2. Then, decide who holds the laser pointer first. If you can't decide, let chance decide, by either flipping a coin or rolling a dice. Once this is done you both strip, and switch of all the lights in the bedroom.

3. She now switches on the laser pointer, lies on her back or on her side, and points the dot on a body part she wants to have licked and kissed. He focuses on the dot, and gets to "work", kissing and licking her the way he knows she likes.

4. When she wants him to move, she moves the dot to another spot. He follows the dot with his mouth, giving pleasure wherever his mouth goes.

5. She can point anywhere she likes (except the eyes, for safety reasons). For the first time in her life, she now has a remote control for receiving oral pleasure! She decides where, and how long, she wants to be pleasured.

6. You can decide how long you want to play. Switch roles when you hand the laser to your partner? Switch after your first climax? Switch after a certain time? You decide...

The laser pointer is a perfect tool to enhance the experience of receiving oral pleasure. You can "train" your partner to locate sensitive spots he missed in the past, not because he does not want to please you, but because he did not know you like to be licked there. This game is so good, that every couple should have a laser pointer in the bedroom!

Visit, to download the Ebook: "Sex Games - 50 Sex Games for Adventurous Couples." I ask for a small, voluntary donation, AFTER you have read the Ebook, and you donate ONLY if you are happy with it.

If you prefer a paperback version of the book, please visit - "Sex Games" for more information.

Ebook or paperback, both options will guarantee that you have more fun and excitement in the bedroom! Tony Higgins

Sex Games - Decorating a Sex Room

By Tony Higgins

A special sex game is the play of decorating a room for sex together. Ideally you reserve a chamber just for having sex together. A basement or this big storage room you don't really need. If this is not an option, you can make some adjustments to the bedroom for the same purpose. Here is some advice on how to do it:

1. Select the atmosphere the room should have. Romantic, erotic, kinky? Choose spring-colors and red for more romantic, red and black for more erotic, and dark colors for you BDSM dungeon, if you like.

2. You need a comfortable bed, which is not too soft and does not make any noises, this can be very distracting. A bed that is a bit harder then you would use for sleeping is ideal.

3. There should be a good heating, if you live in a cold climate. If you are too cold, you cannot relax, and if everything has to happen under the blankets, you are limiting yourself.

4. If you plan to spend a lot of time in your sex-room (I think you will, if you read this kind of stuff), then invest in a good music installation. Music helps to keep background noises out of the bedroom, and creates a private atmosphere.

5. Think about the light for the bedroom, far too many people have only harsh, functional light, instead of some romantic spots with light in different colors. Discuss this and choose the light the way you both like it.

6. Reserve a drawer specifically for your sexual materials, like condoms, lubricant, massage oil, tissues. For the most adventurous, this drawer can also contain the blindfolds, bondage materials, and the sex toys.

7. A very stimulating aspect of your sex-room can be an erotic library, with pornography, how-to manuals, classical sex-manuals and stimulating magazines. When you also like to watch erotic movies together, install a TV and DVD-player in the room, and start collecting DVDs.

8. Some final advice: keep the room clean and remove anything that is not erotic: do not use the room as a storage place and certainly not as a workplace. This is the room you want to go to when you want to focus on your erotic adventures.

Visit, to download the Ebook: "Sex Games - 50 Sex Games for Adventurous Couples." I ask for a small, voluntary donation, AFTER you have read the Ebook, and you donate ONLY if you are happy with it.
If you prefer a paperback version of the book, please visit for more information.
Ebook or paperback, both options will guarantee that you have more fun and excitement in the bedroom! Tony Higgins

Sex Game - Race Against the Clock

By Tony Higgins

In "Race against the Clock" you make a bet with your partner that you can give her a climax within X minutes. If you win, you get a reward, if you lose, she gets a reward.

This is a game for people who know each other well. You have to know how to satisfy your partner before you can play this game. How you satisfy your partner is up to you; oral sex is the most common way to play this game. Here is some advice on how to do it:

1.Decide who plays which role. Once that is clear, determine the amount of time. How many minutes does she have to give you a climax? This is sometimes the best part of the game, this chat, and our expectations about how we can perform. Make it realistic but challenging!

2.You will have to agree on which rules you will use. Most commonly, you are not allowed to move during this game, otherwise it would not be fair. But you can "cheat" a bit, and relax as much as possible, or think about things that don't excite you, to delay your climax.

3.The reward for the winner has to be discussed before you start. Be creative, there are several options: an erotic massage, a sex toy, oral pleasure, a dinner in town, you name it. Don't make the reward so small that it is not interesting, or so big it introduces stress in the game. Just pick something in between.

4.You then need a timer, preferably an electronic countdown timer, with an alarm. You will both be too distracted to watch a clock while you are busy. And it has to be crystal-clear when the game is over, because only then will we know who the winner and who the loser is!

5.When the button is pressed, you start and give it your best shot. And unless you hear the alarm ring, you keep going, because the race is still on. Once the alarm sounds or the climax is achieved, the game is over, and the winner can claim the reward.

When you both like games and competition, this is a very exciting game to play, something you will like to repeat.

Visit, to download the Ebook: "Sex Games - 50 Sex Games for Adventurous Couples." I ask for a small, voluntary donation, AFTER you have read the Ebook, and you donate ONLY if you are happy with it.

If you prefer a paperback version of the book, please visit - "Sex Games" for more information.

Ebook or paperback, both options will guarantee that you have more fun and excitement in the bedroom! Tony Higgins

Sex Game - Peaches in Syrup

By Tony Higgins

Peaches in syrup are the perfect food to play with in the bedroom. Sweet, soft, sexy and healthy. There are lots of ways to enjoy peaches in the bedroom. It may be a good idea, to cover the bed with a plastic sheet, so you don't have to be too careful about spilling a drop or two.

When you buy the peaches in a can, do not take the ragged can into the bedroom after opening it. Put the peach and syrup in a bowl, to avoid cutting yourself in the heat of the game. This is not a joke; you do not want to have to interrupt this game because you have to look for band-aid.

1. The first game you can play, is simply feeding her. Take a sip of syrup from the bowl and let her drink from your mouth, in small sips. Take a piece of peach and let her eat it from your hand. When she is ready she can lick your fingers clean.

2. Take a piece of peach and trail a path over her body with it. Start with her lips, her neck, her earlobes, her breasts, her belly... When you are finished you follow the trail with your tongue, licking up all the syrup and giving pleasure meanwhile.

3. Give her most sensitive parts a peach-massage. A piece of peach is just as soft, if not softer, as your lips and tongue. Massage her lips, earlobes, nipples, and then move slowly down to her genitals. Use your fingers to spread her genital lips and softly massage her most sensitive spots...

4. The Peach Marker: she is lying down and rubs the spots of her body where she wants to be licked. You lick all the spots she touches with the peach, and take your time to lick every little drop from her skin.

5. The Alternative Peach Marker: You rub a part of your body you want her to lick with peach, and then bring it to her mouth, so she can just lie on her back and lick it, enjoying both the peach syrup and giving you pleasure.

6. For the most adventurous: she lies on her back and inserts small pieces of peach in her vagina. She then straddles you, sitting on your face, so you can retrieve these pieces with your tongue. You are not allowed to stop until the last piece is retrieved.

Visit, to download the Ebook: "Sex Games - 50 Sex Games for Adventurous Couples." I ask for a small, voluntary donation, AFTER you have read the Ebook, and you donate ONLY if you are happy with it.

If you prefer a paperback version of the book, please visit - "Sex Games" for more information.

Ebook or paperback, both options will guarantee that you have more fun and excitement in the bedroom! Tony Higgins

Sex Game - Masturbating While Your Partner Watches

By Tony Higgins

There is an old joke about masturbating, that there are two kinds of people: those who masturbate and those who do not want to admit it...:-)

Masturbating is not such a taboo anymore, but masturbating while your partner watches you? This is on the one hand an exciting idea, and on the other hand, for a lot of people a bit scary.

To make this more exciting than scary there has to be a lot of trust between the two of you. If you have a good sex-life together, and the idea of seeing your partner playing with herself excites you, then you should try it together. The better you know each other sexually, the more you will enjoy having sex together.

Sometimes, all it takes to introduce this game in your sex-life, is to pick a moment when you are both naked and horny, and then guide your partners hand down, while you say: "It would really excite me to see you play with yourself, will you do that for me, please?" If she starts playing with herself, tell her how exciting this is, how beautiful it looks, and how much you enjoy this. Tell her: "Keep going, I want to see you come, I want to see you make yourself come..."

If this is all it takes, great. If not, and your partner is more hesitant, then a bit of gentle seduction can help.

On the day you want to introduce the game, take a long shower or bath together. Create a relaxed atmosphere, with relaxing music, candles, whatever brings the two of you in the most erotic mood. Then give your partner an erotic massage on the front-side of the body, using a lot of massage oil.

Once your partner is getting excited, put your hands on top of her hands, and massage together. Gently move her hands all over the body, and then down to the genitals, and tell how good this looks, how good this feels. Tell her to keep going, continue massaging the most sensitive spots, do it together and finish what you started.

If you build it up slowly, then most people will happily go along with the game, because it is a game for mutual pleasure, like all good games should be...

Visit, to download the Ebook: "Sex Games - 50 Sex Games for Adventurous Couples." I ask for a small, voluntary donation, AFTER you have read the Ebook, and you donate ONLY if you are happy with it.

If you prefer a paperback version of the book, please visit - "Sex Games" for more information.

Ebook or paperback, both options will guarantee that you have more fun and excitement in the bedroom! Tony Higgins