Sexuality Tips For You.

October 8, 2008

How to Give Women Explosive Orgasms - Three Ways to Make Your Woman Come Fast

By Derek Rake

Have you ever wondered why women have to fake their orgasms regularly? That is because their men are just not skillful enough in bed to make them orgasm regularly and quickly. Most men don't really know what will make women orgasm. Read on to discover how to give women explosive orgasms each time without fail and achieve mind blowing results...

Three Deadly Effective Ways To Make Your Woman Orgasm...Lightning Fast

Method #1 - Use Your Fingers...Early In The Game. You see, most guys just want to stick their penises into vaginas and expect girls to explode with pleasure. The truth is that girls take longer than guys to orgasm - and for this reason, they need to be stimulated more. To do this - use your fingers to stimulate her for at least ten minutes right before you penetrate her.

Method #2 - Get Her To Relax Immediately. A woman could struggle to orgasm if she is uncomfortable and feels awkward. Get her relaxed by building the 'mood'. One surefire way to get her to relax is to give her a massage. Do this as early as possible in the process.

Method #3 - Use The Feelgood Factor. Women are by nature very self conscious - they need constant reassurance that they look good and are doing the right things. Tell her that she is beautiful on the bed, and let her know that you feel good making love to her. This will get her to relax and subsequently make her orgasm quickly.

Now a bonus tip that you will find useful if you want to make any woman orgasm fast...

There exists a secret two-step method that underground seduction masters use to make any woman orgasm literally by COMMAND: details are at this website

The ZenGasms" system is chock full of unknown methods on generating female arousal - derived from the sex secrets from Zen masters of the East. Highly controversial and often perceived to be manipulative - this stuff is not for the faint-hearted.

However, if you are ready to give ANY woman mindblowing orgasms virtually by command, and don't mind pushing the envelope, then do this. Click on the following link for a free report on how to induce female orgasms by using only your voice: ZenGasms" Leaked Chapter